A journal of academic theology

Reviews & Shorter Notices – March 1989

History and Ideology in Ancient Israel
Frederick L. Moriarty S.J., pp. 168–169

II Kings: A New Translation with Introduction and Commentary
Patrick M. Arnold S.J., pp. 169–171

Christology in Context: The Earliest Christian Response to Jesus
Paul J. Achtemeier, pp. 171–172

The Ethics of the New Testament
Robert J. Daly S.J., pp. 172–174

A Theology of the Jewish-Christian Reality 3: Christ in Context
Daniel J. Harrington S.J., pp.174–175

The Reality of Time and the Existence of God: The Project of Proving God’s Existence
Joseph A. Bracken S.J., pp. 175–176

La création selon Schelling. Universum
Thomas F. O’Meara O.P., pp. 176–178

The Structure of Resurrection Belief
Gerald O’Collins S.J., pp.178–179

The Maternal Face of God: The Feminine and its Religious Expressions
Patrick Bearsley S.M., pp. 179–181

Radical Hermeneutics: Repetition, Deconstruction, and the Hermeneutic Project
Michael J. Kerlin, pp. 181–183

Women in the Church 1
Bernard Cooke, pp. 183, 185-186

Das Papstamt im Disput zwischen Lutheranern und Katholiken: Schwerpunkte von der Reformation zur Gegenwart
Robert Kress, pp. 7 187–188

A Sixteenth-Century Portrait
Jeannine Olson, pp.188–190

Nineteenth-Century Churches: The History of a New Catholicism in Württemberg, England, and France
L. A. Nicoll S.J. , pp.190–191

John Ireland and the American Catholic Church
John Jay Hughes., pp. 191–193

The Unfinished Agenda. A Look to the Future
Donald D. Grimes C.S.C., pp. 193–194

Atomare Abschreckung und kirchliche Friedensethik: Eine Untersuchung zu neuesten katholischen Friedensverlautbarungen und zur ethischen Problematik heutiger Sicherheitspolitik.
G. Simon Harak S.J., pp.194–196

Doctrines of Religious Communities: A Philosophical Study
Francis X. Clooney S.J., pp.196–197

Shorter Notices
pp. 198–211

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