Current & Past Issues

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Theological Studies, when it was founded in 1940, was aimed primarily at seminary professors and students. Vatican Council II led to a great change in how theology “is done” in the church today. At the highest level, theology is centered more and more in professional schools and departments of theology and religious studies. The journal, now appropriately ecumenical and interreligious in perspective, has therefore increasingly focused its mission on this professional audience, while still remaining accessible to theologically versed nonprofessionals.

Research Articles

The search page provides a dynamic search feature that allows the visitor to find PDF versions of past articles by entering in an author’s name, a title of a past article (or a partial title or keyword), or a volume number.

Past articles that have been in print publication for five full years are available for free, individual download (e.g., those published in 2008 are available for download beginning in the year 2014). Visitors are welcome to make single copies of articles from Theological Studies. Those who want multiple copies (for classroom use, for example) must get the necessary permission from SAGE’s permissions page.

More recent articles (published fewer than 5 years previously) are listed on this website, and available to download by purchasing on SAGE.

From the Editor's Desk

In 1998, Theological Studies began the practice of having the current editor-in-chief contribute an editorial that introduces the topics of the articles found in that issue, along with other ecclesial topics of interest to our readership. All of these editorials, including those of the last five years, are available on the SAGE website.

Book Reviews

Past book reviews that have been in print publication for five full years are available for free, individual download. Clicking on the PDF link for a given issue of the journal will take you to the reviews and notices for that issue. These you can then page through and/or search by typing word(s) into the search box on the menu bar in Adobe Acrobat (or your PDF reader, such as Preview on the Mac).

Shorter Notices

Past short notices that have been in print publication for five full years are available for free, individual download. Clicking on the PDF link for a given issue of the journal will take you to the reviews and notices for that issue. These you can then page through and/or search by typing word(s) into the search box on the menu bar in Adobe Acrobat (or your PDF reader, such as Preview on the Mac).

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