A journal of academic theology

Reviews & Shorter Notices -December 1975

Man as Male and Female: A Study in Sexual Relationships from a Theological Point of View
Elizabeth McKeown, pp. 766–769

Woman in Christian Tradition
Anne Carr, pp. 769–771

Human Liberation in a Feminist Perspective: A Theology
M. Cleophas Costello R.S.M., pp. 771–772

Jesus Der Christus
Bruce Vawter C.M., pp. 772–774

Jesus of Nazareth in New Testament Preaching
Richard Kugelman C.P., pp. 775–777

Resurrexit: Actes Du Symposium International Sur La Résurrection De Jésus (Rome 1970)
James M. Reese O.S.F.S., pp. 777–778

The Johannine Epistles
Karl Paul Donfried, pp. 778–781

La Oración De Petición: Estudio Exegético Sobre Los Evengelos Sinópticos Y Los Escritos Joaneos
Eugene H. Maly, pp. 781–782

Das Kirchliche Amt Nach Dem Epheserbrief
John H. Elliott, pp. 782–785

Judaism and Hellenism: Studies in Their Encounter in Palestine during the Early Hellenistic Period
Raymond E. Brown S.S., pp. 785–787

A Second Collection
William M. Shea, pp. 787–789

La Théologie Parmi Les Sciences Humaines
Robert J. Schreiter, pp. 789–790

Humanisme Et Théologie: Pour Un Préamble De La Foi
John F. O’Grady, pp. 790–791

Theology for the Artisans of a New Humanity 1: The Community Called Church; 2: Grace and the Human Condition; 3: Our Idea of God; 4: The Sacraments Today; 5: Evolution and Guilt
Joseph A. Bracken S.J., pp. 791–795

L’Autorité Dans Le Catholicisme Contemporain: Du Syllabus à Vatican Ii
Roger Balducelli O.S.F.S., pp. 795–798

The Common Catechism
Thomas Dubay S.M., pp. 798–800

Luther and the Dawn of the Modern Era: Papers for the Fourth International Congress for Luther Research
Kenneth G. Hagen, pp. 800–802

I Pronunciamenti Tridentini Sulla Necessità Della Confessione Sacramentale Nei Canoni 6–9 Della Sessione Xiv (25 Novembre 1551): Saggio Di Ermeneutica Conciliare
Carl J. Peter, pp. 802–803

Peter Martyr, a Reformer in Exile (1542–1562): A Chronology Of Biblical Writings in England and Europe
Joseph N. Tylenda S.J., pp. 803–805

Sartre and the Sacred
Larry E. Axel, pp. 805–807

The Experiment Hope
John J. O’Donnell S.J., pp. 807–808

Toward the Future
Robert Roger Lebel S.J., pp. 808–809

Martin Buber, Prophet of Religious Secularism: The Criticism of Institutional Religion in the Writings of Martin Buber
William C. McFadden S.J., pp. 809–811

The Broken Covenant: American Civil Religion in Time of Trial
John J. Mawhinney S.J., pp. 811–812

Shorter Notices
pp. 812–827

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