A journal of academic theology

Reviews & Shorter Notices -May 1950

Zeugnis für Christus
Richard Kugelman C.P., pp. 283–284

Emotions and Morals
Gerald Kelly S.J., pp. 284–285

Les Livres des Rois
Francis X. Peirce S.J., pp. 285–287

Geschichte der abendländischen Weltanschauung. V. Band: Die Weltanschauung der Gegenwart
James Collins, pp. 287–291

Christliches Gebetsleben
G. Aug. Ellard S.J., pp. 291–292

E. J. Weisenberg S.J., pp. 292–294

Patristique et moyen age
F. O. Corcoran S. J., pp. 294–295

Evangile, vie et message du Christ
E. A. Cerny S.S., pp. 295–296

Literature and Theology in Colonial New England
Walter J. Ong S.J., pp. 296–298

Les Harmonies des deux testaments
Frederick L. Moriarty S.J., pp. 298–301

Anthropologische Grundlagen ganzheitlicher Frauenbildung unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des religiösen Bereiches
Peter Mueller S.J., pp. 301–302

Foi en Jésus-Christ et monde d’aujourd’hui
Augustine Klaas S.J., pp. 302–304

Reason to Revelation
Frederick L. Moriarty S.J., pp. 304–305

Untersuchungen zur Theologie der Seelsorge
E. F. Sheridan S.J., pp. 306–308

Noël dans l’église ancienne
Gerald Ellard S.J., pp. 308–309

The De Primo Principio of John Duns Scotus
William R. O’Connor, pp. 309–311

Galen on Jews and Christians
Herbert A. Musurillo S.J., pp. 311–315

Les Principes d’un esprit social chrétien
Joseph Duhamel S.J., pp. 311

La Sainte Bible
C. F. DeVine C.Ss.R., pp. 315–316

Philosophia Naturalis
Joseph T. Clark S.J., pp. 316–318

The Mother of God
Cyril Vollert S.J., pp. 318–319

Great Shorter Works of Pascal
James I. Conway S.J., pp. 320–326

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