Abschied vom Jahwisten: Die Komposition des Hexateuch in der Jüngsten Diskussion
Thomas Anderson S.J., pp. 178–179
Seeing the Psalms: A Theology of Metaphor
John C. Endres S.J., pp. 179–181
1 Peter, Jude, and 2 Peter
Barth L. Campbell, pp. 181–182
Identity and Experience in the New Testament
John J. Pilch, pp. 182–184
The Resurrection of the Son of God
Daniel A. Smith, pp. 184–186
From Symposium to Eucharist
Pheme Perkins, pp. 186–187
Order and Exclusion: Cluny and Christendom Face Heresy, Judaism, and Islam (1000–1150)
Robert J. Jensen, pp. 188–189
Auferstehung und Himmelfahrt Christi in der scholastichen Theologie bis zu Thomas von Aquin
Gerald O’Collins S.J., pp. 189–191
Wilhelm von Ockham: Gelehrter, Streiter, Bettelmönch
Wanda Zemler-Cizewski, pp. 191–192
The Encyclopedia of Protestantism
D. Lyle Dabney, pp. 192–194
Spirit and Nature: The Saint-Médard Miracles and 18th-Century Jansenism
Thomas Worcester S.J., pp. 194–196
Érudition hagiographique au XVIIIe siécle: Jean Lebeuf et les Bollandistes: Correspondance
C. J. T. Talar, pp. 196–198
The Making of American Liberal Theology: Idealism, Realism, and Modernity 1900–1950
James C. Livingston, pp. 199–201
History of Vatican II, Vol. IV: Church as Communion, Third Period and Intersession, September 1964–September 1965
John W. O’Malley S.J., pp. 201–202
La teologia della storia della salvezza nel secolo xx, La storia della salvezza: Dio Signore del tempo e della storia
Michael G. Lawler, pp. 202–204
Saint Thomas Aquinas. Volume 2: Spiritual Master
John M. McDermott S.J., pp. 204–205
God and the Future: Wolfhart Pannenberg’s Eschatological Doctrine of God
Denis Edwards, pp. 205–207
Modern Physics and Ancient Faith
James F. Salmon S.J., pp. 207–209
A Scientific Theology: Volume 3: Theory
Edward T. Oakes S.J., pp. 209–210
Moral Theology in an Age of Renewal: A Study of the Catholic Tradition since Vatican II
James T. Bretzke S.J., pp. 210–212
Introduction to Jewish and Catholic Bioethics: A Comparative Analysis
Richard M. Gula S.S., pp. 212–214
Reading the Bible in the Strange World of Medicine
Marilyn Martone, pp. 214–215
Capital Punishment and Roman Catholic Moral Tradition
Patrick T. McCormick, pp. 215–217
Identität durch Gebet: Zur gemeinschaftsbildenden Funktion institutionalisierten Betens in Judentum und Christentum
Regis A. Duffy O.F.M., pp. 217–218
Worship: A Primer in Christian Ritual, Dynamic Equivalence: The Living Language of Christian Worship
James L. Empereur S.J., pp. 218–220
Thomist Realism and the Linguistic Turn: Toward a More Perfect Form of Existence
W. Norris Clarke S.J., pp. 220–222
Darwin and Design: Does Evolution Have a Purpose?
Eugene E. Selk, pp. 222–223
Shorter Notices
pp. 224–238