To Kill and Take Possession: Law, Morality, and Society in Biblical Stories
Eloise Rosenblatt R.S.M., Ph.D., J.D., pp. 663–664
La Figure de Pierre Dans L’oeuvre de Luc (Évangile et Actes des Apôtres): Une Approche Synchronique
John Paul Heil, pp. 664–666
Paul among the Postliberals: Pauline Theology beyond Christendom and Modernity
John Reumann, pp. 666–667
Associations, Synagogues, and Congregations: Claiming a Place in Ancient Mediterranean Society
J. Albert Harrill, pp. 668–669
The Appropriation of Divine Life in Cyril of Alexandria
David Meconi S.J., pp. 669–671
Augustinian-Cartesian Index: Texts and Commentary
Roland J. Teske S.J., pp. 671–672
Le Christ De Tertullien
David P. Efroymson, pp. 672–674
From Penitence to Charity: Pious Women and the Catholic Reformation in Paris
Thomas Worcester S.J., pp. 674–675
The Mercurian Project: Forming Jesuit Culture
Norman Tanner S.J., pp. 675–677
Liberaler Katholik—Reformkatholik—Modernist?: Franz Xaver Kraus (1840–1901) Zwischen Kulturkampf Und Modernismuskrise
Robert A. Krieg, pp. 677–678
Coleridge and Newman: The Centrality of Conscience
Jeffrey W. Barbeau, pp. 678–680
The Lion and the Lamb: Evangelicals and Catholics in America
Jeffrey Gros F.S.C., pp. 680–682
Asian Christian Theologies: A Research Guide to Authors, Movements, Sources from the 7th to the 20th Centuries
Jonathan Y. Tan, pp. 682–684
The Beauty of the Infinite: The Aesthetics of Christian Truth
Charles Hefling, pp. 684–686
People of God
T. Howland Sanks S.J., pp. 686–687
Women in Christ: Toward a New Feminism
Rosemary Radford Ruether, pp. 687–689
In Many and Diverse Ways: In Honor of Jacques Dupuis
Paul J. Griffiths, pp. 689–690
Book Review
David E. DeCosse, pp. 691–692
Heroes, Saints, and Ordinary Morality
Florence Caffrey Bourg, pp. 693–694
Where Two or three are Gathered: Christian Families as Domestic Churches
Susanne M. DeCrane, pp. 694–696
Faith in the Future: Healthcare, Aging, and the Role of Religion
Mary Jo Iozzio, pp. 696–698
Having: Property and Possession in Religious and Social Life
S.J. Thomas Massaro, pp. 698–699
From the Heart of the Church: The Catholic Social Tradition
Thomas A. Shannon, pp. 699–701
Worship as Meaning: A Liturgical Theology for Late Modernity
Thomas J. Scirghi S.J., pp. 701–702
Book Review
C.S.A. Dianne Bergant, pp. 702–704
Democracy and Tradition
Michael J. Kerlin, pp. 705–706
The Secular Revolution: Power, Interests, and Conflict in the Secularization of American Public Life
John A. Coleman S.J., pp. 706–708
The Song Sparrow and the Child: Claims of Science and Humanity
Robert E. Rodes, pp. 708–709
Shorter Notices
pp. 710–725