A journal of academic theology

Past Book Reviews

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Tomáš Halík: A Theology for the Post-Secular

This article presents the work of Czech theologian and priest Tomáš Halík as a theology for the post-secular. The first section outlines three general post-secular ...

From Ecclesial Sin to Ecclesial Han: Ecclesiology Beyond “A Church of Sinners and Saints”

Debates within ecclesiology on the nature and possibility of ecclesial sin have regained interest in the midst of rising awareness of the church’s historical wrongs. ...

Rahner and Scheeben on Grace: Reexamining a Forgotten Resemblance

This article demonstrates the overlooked similarity between Scheeben’s and Rahner’s accounts of God’s self-communication to the human person through uncreated grace. It then argues that ...

The “Hierarchy” of Truths in a New Context

This article revisits the debate leading to the inclusion of the notion of a “hierarchy” of truths in the Second Vatican Council’s Decree on Ecumenism ...

Truth in a Wintry Season

Directing attention to what has become an arctic winter for truth, this article explores a distinctly Christian understanding of truth, utilizing biblical accounts, the Christian ...

Theological Aporia and the Cultivation of Desire: Reading Eriugena’s Creatio Ex Nihilo through an Islamic Theo-Poetics

This comparative theological article expands on John Thiel’s article on aporias in theological method. Through an Islamic theo-poetics, it complements the import of hermeneutics in ...

On the Way to Divine Providence: From the Abyss of Time to the Throe of Eternity

Divine providence, as traditionally conceived, keeps historical time subordinate to God’s sovereignty so that the divine plan for it is fulfilled. This article argues that ...

The Indefectibility of the Apostolic See: Was the Idea of a Heretical Pope Formally Excluded at the First Vatican Council?

During the prelude to the First Vatican Council, the idea of a heretical pope was used as the primary argument against the solemn definition of ...

A Hidden Ecological Dialectic: An Oversight in Insight

While the writings of Robert Doran exhibit significant ecological awareness, the present paper argues that the corpus of Bernard Lonergan and Doran’s own work have ...

Purely Penal Law: A Reconsideration

The concept of purely penal law, as developed by the Spanish Jesuit Francisco Suárez in the early seventeenth century, argues that promulgated law is neither ...

Dei Verbum and the Roots of Synodality

This article shows how Pope Francis’s notion of “synodality” brings together central tenets of the comprehensive vision of the Second Vatican Council. The article proposes ...

The Nonviolent Christ at the Apocalyptic Center of Origen’s Homilies on Joshua

Christians ancient and modern have puzzled over the violence in the book of Joshua. Origen of Alexandria interprets this text apocalyptically, to give readers a ...

A Theological Exploration: Nonviolence as Intersectional Praxis

This article offers a theological vision of how nonviolence contributes to Catholic social teaching, and offers a crosscutting, intersectional praxis related to two destructive waves ...

The Cross and/as Civil Resistance

We need a nonviolent soteriology that honors scriptural and theological traditions about enemy-love, suffering, sacrifice, and satisfaction and refuses to further harm victims of violence ...

Martin Luther King Jr. and Julius K. Nyerere’s Shared Dreams for Racial Equality and Human Dignity

This article parallels Martin Luther King Jr.’s dream for civil, economic, and racial equality in the USA with Julius K. Nyerere’s unrelenting liberation struggle for ...

To Dream in North and South America: Reflections on the Sixtieth Anniversary of Martin Luther King Jr.’s “I Have a Dream” Speech

This article reflects on Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s “I Have a Dream” speech delivered sixty years ago in Washington, DC. It begins by pointing ...

The Fierce Urgency of Now The Example of the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr

The year 2023 marks the sixtieth anniversary of the March on Washington that featured civil rights leader, the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. This ...

On Theological Aporias

Modern theology has attended explicitly to issues concerning method, that is, how theological authors creatively offer interpretations that advance disciplinary knowledge. This article explores the ...

Enhancing Ressourcement: Johann Adam Möhler’s Retrieval of Anselm

This article begins by suggesting a wider or more formal understanding of the movement known as ressourcement. After engaging a recent volume of essays on ...

Privation, Teleology, and the Metaphysics of Evil

Drawing inspiration from Pseudo-Dionysius, Maximus the Confessor, and Thomas Aquinas, and in support of the definition of evil as the privation of being or goodness, ...
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