The Incarnation stirs the imagination as well as the heart of faith. This issue of Theological Studies opens, then, with an essay by Neil Ormerod (Australian Catholic University, Sydney) on the trinitarian depths of the Incarnation as unfolded in the thought of Bernard Lonergan. This is the latest installment in the “Four Point Hypothesis” project being undertaken by an international group of Lonergan scholars, and offers new insights into traditional doctrine. Yet, as we know, Lonergan provides but one philosophical framework for the pursuit of theology, and theologians continue to search for a grounding, a metaphysics if you will, for theological claims. Joseph Rivera (Dublin City University) proposes a corrective to so-called post-metaphysical projects that have rejected an onto-theology, using the thought of French theoretician Jean-Yves Lacoste to propose a metaphysics rooted in concrete experience—an approach appropriate to a theology rooted in a faith that takes the Incarnation as one of its foundational starting points.
December 2016 Editorial
- First Published November 17, 2016