Reviews & Shorter Notices – December 1951

Problèmes et méthode d’exégèse théologique
John L. McKenzie S.J., pp. 560–562

Theologie des Alten Testaments
R. P. Bierberg C.PP.S., pp. 562–565

Die Koenigsherrschaft Gottes im Alten Testament
John L. McKenzie S.J., pp. 565–567

Human Personality: Its Historical Emergence in India, China, and Israel
George C. Ring S.J., pp. 567–570

Theologie des Neuen Testaments
M. P. Stapleton, pp. 570–571

The Gospel Message of St. Mark
John J. Collins S.J., pp. 571–573

Der Prozess Jesu
Richard Kugelman C.P., pp. 573–575

The Family at Bethany
John J. Collins S.J., pp. 575–576

Gestes et textes des apôtres
Joseph L. Lilly C.M., pp. 576–577

Offenbarung des Johannes

John J. Collins S.J., pp. 577–579

Tertullian: Apologetical Works. Minucius Felix: Octavius
Raymond V. Schoder S.J., pp. 579–580

Against the Academics
Vernon J. Bourke, pp. 580–581

The Confessions of St. Augustine: Books I-X
Vernon J. Bourke, pp. 581

Martini episcopi Bracarensis opera omnia
James M. Carmody S.J., pp. 581–582

Reality: A Synthesis of Thomistic Thought
Henri Renard S.J., pp. 582–584

Christ the Savior
John F. Sweeney S.J., pp. 584–585

The Gifts of the Holy Ghost
E. J. Fortman S.J., pp. 585–587

What Becomes of the Dead?
John F. Sweeney S.J., pp. 587

The Spiritual Exercises
Thomas G. O’Callaghan S.J., pp. 588–589

Werke, I: Kreuzeswissenschaft: Studie über Joannes a Cruce
Augustine Klaas S.J., pp. 589–590

Sermon Matter from St. Thomas Aquinas
John J. Collins S.J., pp. 591–592

Kardinal Contarini als Kontroverstheologe
Clement J. Fuerst S.J., pp. 592–593

Semikah (Ordination): A Study of its Origin, History, and Function in Rabbinic Literature
Louis F. Hartman C.SS.R., pp. 593–594

The Jewish People and Jesus Christ
Edward P. Arbez, pp. 594–597

Sholem Asch un Kristntum
Francis Cosgrove S.J., pp. 598–600

Emil Brunners Lehre von dem Sünder
Elmer O’Brien S.J., pp. 600–601

Guide to the Documents of Pius XII (1939–1949)
Edmond F. X. Ivers S.J., pp. 601

Two Ways of Life: Christian and Materialist
F. X. Lynch S.J., pp. 602–603

Christian Education in a Democracy, beyond Humanism
Edward L. Hirsh, pp. 603–608

Cosmology: Elements of a Critique of the Sciences and of Cosmology
Joseph T. Clark S.J., pp. 608–613

Connaissance du temps
Joseph T. Clark S.J., pp. 450–451

Johann Georg Hamann: An Existentialist
James Collins, pp. 614–616

Ontologie der Persönlichkeit
James Collins, pp. 616–618

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