A journal of academic theology

Reviews & Shorter Notices –December 1953

Sacrifice in Greek and Roman Religions and Early Judaism
Rudolph Arbesmann O.S.A., pp.598–599

Das erste Buch Mose: Genesis Kapitel 12:10––25:18
Edward A. Cerny S.S., pp. 599–600

Le Cantique des cantiques
Roland E. Murphy O.Carm., pp.600–602

Einleitung in das Neue Testament
Francis J. McCool S.J., pp. 602–606

A Commentary on the Gospels
Herbert A. Musurillo S.J., pp.606–608

Agape: Die Liebe als Grundmotiv der neutestamentlichen Theologie
Richard Kugelman C.P., pp. 608–611

La mère des fidèles: Essai de thέologie johannique
Eustace J. Smith O.F.M.,611–613

Quaestiones selectae ex epistulis s. Pauli
John J. Collins S.J., pp.613–615

Tertullian, Treatises on Marriage and Remarriage: To His Wife; An Exhortation to Chastity; Monogamy
Walter J. Burghardt S.J., pp.615–617

The Catholic Church: The Mystical Body of Christ
Stephen E. Donlon S.J., pp.617–619

La papauté et les missions au cours des six premiers siècles: Mέthodologie antique et orientations modernes
John L. Farrand S.J., pp. 619–621

Of Sacraments and Sacrifice
William J. Leonard S.J., pp.621–622

La virginité chrétienne
John A. Hardon S.J., pp.622–624

The Life that is Grace
Gustave Weigel S.J., pp. 624–625

La charité envers Dieu
John J. Reed S.J., pp. 625–626

Richard de Saint-Victor et l’idée chrétienne de l’amour
Elmer O’Brien S.J., pp.626–628

Das Weltkonzil von Trient: Sein Werden und Wirken
E. A. Ryan S.J., pp. 628–630

Aux sources de la vie spirituelle: Documents
Thomas G. O’Callaghan S.J., pp. 630–631

Book Review

Leo A. Hogue S.J., pp.631–632


Peter Mueller S.J., pp.632–633

Theologia moralis: Appendix, De castitate et luxuria

Francis J. Connell C.SS.R., pp. 634–635

Aux origines de la prière liturgique: Nature et genèse de l’office des matines

Simeon Daly O.S.B., pp. 636–638

Christian Faith and the Scientific Attitude

J. J. Ruddick S.J., pp.641–642

Christian Ethics

Robert H. Springer S.J., pp. 638–641

Industrialism and the Popes

Cornelius A. Eller S.J., pp.642–643

Man against Mass Society

Victor R. Yanitelli S.J., pp.643–645

Philosophy of Education

John N. Wise S.J., pp.64514.4.reviews-notices

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