Reviews & Shorter Notices –December 1954

Vocabulaire Biblique
Frederick L. Moriarty S.J., pp.632–633

Internationale Zeitschriftenschau für Bibelwissenschaft und Grenzgebiete, I (1951–1952)
Stephen E. Donlon S.J., pp. 633–635

The First-Gospel. Genesis 3:15
Alfred C. Rush C.SS.R., pp. 635–639

Le probléme synoptique
John L. McKenzie S.J., pp. 639–644

The School of St. Matthew and its Use of the Old Testament
Herbert A. Musurillo S.J., pp. 644–646

Studia Paulina
Francis J. McCool S.J., pp.646–649

Patrology, II: The Ante-Nicene Literature after Irenaeus
Walter J. Burghardt S.J., pp.649–650

Le Christ dans la théologie de saint Paul
John A. McEvoy S.J., pp.651–653

Nature and Grace
E. J. Fortman S.J., pp. 653–655

The Church and Infallibility
John A. Hardon S.J., pp.655–657

The Development of the Papacy
John F. Broderick S.J., pp.657–659

The Reformation in England, II: Religio depopulata
Edward D. McShane S.J., pp.659–661

Foundations of Justice
Jerome A. Petz S.J., pp.661–662

Be Not Afraid: A Denunciation of Despair
William N. Tome S.J.,