Reviews & Shorter Notices – December 1963

Le mystère du Nom: “Quiconque invoquera le Nom du Seigneur sera sauvé
Kathryn Sullivan R.S.C.J. , pp. 665–666

Je suis un Dieu jaloux: Evolution sémantique et signification théologique de qine’ ah
Carroll Stuhlmueller C.P. , pp. 666–668

L’Actualité chrétienne de l’Ancien Testament d’après le Nouveau Testament
John L. McKenzie S.J. pp. 668–670

A Historical Introduction to the New Testament
Joseph A. Fitzmyer S.J. , pp. 671–673

Historicity and the Gospels: A Sketch of Historical Method and its Application to the Gospels
Avery Dulles S.J. ,pp. 673–675

Peter and the Church: An Examination of Cullmann’s Thesis
James F. McCue , pp. 676–678

Christus als Vorbild
John L. McKenzie S.J. ,pp. 678–680

Manhood and Christ: A Study in the Christology of Theodore of Mopsuestia
Herbert Musurillo S.J., pp. 680–682

The Word of God According to St. Augustine
Thomas E. Clarke S.J. ,pp. 682–684

The Modern Theology of Tradition
John L. Murphy pp. 684–688

“Gratia supponit naturam”: Geschichte und Analyse eines theologischen Axioms
Cyril Vollert S.J. , pp. 688–690

The Coming of His Kingdom: A Theology of the Last Things
Cyril Vollert S.J. pp. 690–692

The Theology of Vocations
William J. Burke S.J. , pp. 693–695

Handbuch der Kirchengeschichte 1: Von der Urgemeinde zur frühchristlichen Grosskirche
Martin R. P. McGuire, pp. 695–697

Saint Anselm and His Biographer
Robert E. McNally S.J. , pp. 697–699

The Unity of Christians
Avery Dulles S.J. pp. 700–701

The Eastern Churches and Catholic Unity, Voix de l’église en Orient
George A. Maloney S.J. pp. 701–703

La perfection de l’homme selon saint Thomas d’Aquin: Ses fondements ontologiques et leur vérification dans l’ordre actuel
C. A. Schleck C.S.C. , pp. 703–706

La faillite de la religion d’après Karl Marx
Quentin Lauer S.J. pp. 707–708

Approche contemporaine d’une affirmation de Dieu: Essai sur le fondement ultime de l’acte scientifique
Frank R. Haig S.J., pp. 708–710

Religion and the American People
William J. Gibbons S.J. ,pp. 710–713

Shorter Notices

pp. 713–741

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