Reviews & Shorter Notices – December 1968

Johannes-Kommentare aus der Griechischen Kirche
Robert L. Wilken pp. 763–765

Le vin nouveau du royaume
Raymond E. Brown S.S. ,pp. 765–766

The Threat to Faith: An Exegetical and Theological Reexamination of 2 Thessalonians 2
William J. Dalton S.J. pp. 767–768
Sunday: The History of the Day of Rest and Worship in the Earliest Centuries of the Christian Church
Christopher Kiesling O.P. ,pp. 768–770
La morale de Clément d’Alexandrie et le Nouveau Testament
Francis X. Murphy C.SS.R. pp. 770–772

Pelagius: Inquiries and Reappraisals
Herbert J. Ryan S.J. , pp. 772–774
A History of Protestantism 1: The Reformation
Jared Wicks S.J. pp. 774–776
The Bourgeois: Catholicism vs. Capitalism in Eighteenth-Century France
Thomas E. Morrissey S.J. , pp. 776–777

Bible et tradition chez Newman: Aux origines de la théorie du développement
F. E. Crowe S.J. , pp. 777–779

Revelation and Theology 2
F. E. Crowe S.J. pp. 779–781
Evolution and the Christian Doctrine of Creation: A White-Headian Interpretation
Owen W. Garrigan ,pp. 781–783
A Theological Anthropology
Leo J. O’Donovan S.J. pp. 783–786

Where Faith Begins
Justin Kelly S.J. pp. 786–787
Connaître Christ
Thomas E. Clarke S.J. pp. 787–789
Recherches sur l’intercession de Marie 1: Fondements et premiers développements
Eamon R. Carroll O.Carm. pp. 789–791
Ecumenism: Theology and History
James Quinn S.J. pp. 791–793

Die Autorität der Freiheit: Gegenwart des Konzils und Zukunft der Kirche im Ökumenischen Disput 3
Sabbas J. Kilian O.F.M. pp. 793–795
The Anglican Eucharist in Ecumenical Perspective: Doctrine and Rite from Cranmer to Seabury
Lloyd Edgar Teter pp. 795–797
The Church in the Way
Peter Chirico S.S. pp. 797–798
Shalom: Peace
John F. Dedek pp. 798–800
Kierkegaard and Radical Discipleship: A New Perspective
Thomas Langan pp. 800–802

Religious Symbols and God: A Philosophical Study of Tillich’s Theology
Vincent M. Cooke S.J. pp. 802–805

Zur Theologie der Welt
Clyde Pax pp. 805–807
God in Exile: Modern Atheism
John P. Reid O.P. pp. 807–810
Personality Types and Holiness
Thomas Dubay S.M. pp. 810–812
Shorter Notices
pp. 812–832

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