A journal of academic theology

Reviews & Shorter Notices – December 1979

The Macmillan Bible Atlas
J. P. M. Walsh S.J., pp. 739–740

From Eye-Witnesses to Ministers of the Word: Tradition and Composition in Luke 24
William S. Kurz S.J., pp. 740–741

A Manual of Palestinian Aramaic Texts
Franz Rosenthal, pp. 742–743

Jews and Christians in Antioch
David Greenwood, pp. 743–744

A Charismatic Theology: Initiation in the Spirit
Philip J. Rosato S.J., pp. 744–746

The Shape of Baptism: The Rite of Christian Initiation
Christopher Kiesling O.P., pp. 746–748

Dogme et théologie
George H. Tavard, pp. 748–749

Christian Sacrifice: The Judaeo-Christian Background before Origen
J. Patout Burns S.J., pp. 749–751

Lactance et son temps: Recherches actuelles, the Library of Lactantius
William P. Walsh S.J., pp. 752–754

Ignatius von Loyola, Ignatius of Loyola
Walter J. Burghardt S.J., pp. 754–756

Galileo at Work: His Scientific Biography
Ernan McMullin, pp. 756–757

Newman and Gladstone: Centennial Essays
Vincent Ferrer Blehl S.J., pp. 757, 760

The Heart of Matter
Thomas M. King S.J., pp. 760–762

History, Method and Theology: A Dialectical Comparison of Wilhelm Dilthey’s Critique of Historical Reason and Bernard Lonergan’s Meta-Methodology
Stephen Happel, pp. 762–764

Soldier, Sage, Saint
John D. Ryan, pp. 764–766

Kairos and Logos: Studies in the Roots and Implications of Tillich’s Theology
Frederick M. Jelly O.P., pp. 766–767

Principles for a Catholic Morality
Thomas A. Wassmer, pp. 767–769

The Changing Profile of the Natural Law
Germain Grisez, pp. 769–771

Doing Evil to Achieve Good: Moral Choice in Conflict Situations
Vincent M. Burns S.J., pp. 771, 773

Personal Values in Public Policy: Conversations on Government Decision-Making
Charles C. West, pp. 773–775

Public and Private Morality
Miriam Therese Larkin C.S.J., pp. 775–777

Le désir et la tendresse: Sources et histoire d’une éthique chrétienne de la sexualité et du mariage
J. Giles Milhaven, pp. 777–778

The Birth of the Living God: A Psychoanalytic Study
W. W. Meissner M.D., pp. 778–780

Subject and Psyche: Ricoeur, Jung, and the Search for Foundations
Eugene L. Donahue S.J., pp. 780–782

Injustice: The Social Bases of Obedience and Revolt
Drew Christiansen S.J., pp. 782–783

Shorter Notices
pp. 784–799

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