A journal of academic theology

Reviews & Shorter Notices – December 1982

Manuscripts of the Greek Bible: An Introduction to Greek Palaeography
Joseph A. Fitzmyer S.J., pp. 706–707

To Advance the Gospel: New Testament Studies
Karl P. Donfried, pp. 707–709

Die Apostelgeschichte 1: Einleitung, Kommentar zu Kap. 1, 1–8, 40
Joseph A. Fitzmyer S.J., pp. 709–712

Jesus and Isaac: A Study of the Epistle to the Hebrews in the Light of the Aqedah
Casimir Bernas O.C.S.O., pp. 712–713

Die Lust an Gott und seine Sache: oder: Lassen sich Gnade und Freiheit, Glaube und Vernunft, Erlösung und Befreiung vereinbaren?
John M. Mcdermott S.J., pp. 713–714

Entsprechungen: Gott—Wahreit—Mensch
John M. Mcdermott S.J., pp. 714–716

J. Edgar Bruns, pp. 716–717

Busse und Krankensalbung
Carl J. Peter, pp. 717–718

Tellers of the Word
Joseph F. Chorpenning O.S.F.S., pp. 718–720

Chiesa conciliare: Identità e significato del conciliarismo
Thomas E. Morrissey, pp. 720–721

Luther and the Papacy: Stages in a Reformation Conflict, Luther on Ministerial Office and Congregational Function
John B. Payne, pp. 722–723

Dibattito Lutero Seripando su “giustizia e libertà del cristiano.”
Jared Wicks S.J., pp. 723–725

Jonathan Edwards’ Moral Thought and its British Context
William C. Spohn S.J., pp. 725–726

The Popes and European Revolution
John T. Ford C.S.C., pp. 726–728

The Birth of the Catholic Tübingen School: The Dogmatics of Johann Sebastian Drey
John E. Thiel, pp. 728–730

George Tyrrell: In Search of Catholicism
Francis M. O’Connor S.J., pp. 730–731

Die Christologie Emil Brunners: Beitrag zur Überwindung liberaler Jesulogie und dialektisch-doketischer Christologie im Zuge geschichtlich-dialogischen Denkens
Francis SchüSsler Fiorenza, pp. 732–733

Brecht and the Bible: A Study of Religious Nihilism and Human Weakness in Brecht’s Drama of Mortality and the City
Ralph J. Ley, pp. 733–735

Orthodox Theology and Diakonia: Trends and Prospects. Essays in Honor of his Eminence Archbishop Iakovos on the Occasion of his Seventieth Birthday
George A. Maloney S.J., pp. 735–736

Creativity and Method: Essays in Honor of Bernard Lonergan
Richard M. Liddy, pp. 736–738

Natural Rectitude and Divine Law in Aquinas: An Approach to an Integral Interpretation of the Thomistic Doctrine of Law
James V. Schall S.J., pp. 738–739

Liberating Creation: Foundations of Religious Social Ethics
Drew Christiansen S.J., pp. 739–740

Public Duties: The Moral Obligations of Government Officials
John Langan S.J., pp. 740–742

The Female Experience and the Nature of the Divine
Joan O’Brien, pp. 742–744

Shorter Notices
pp. 745–761

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