Reviews & Shorter Notices -December 2003

The Temple of Jesus’Body: The Temple Theme in the Gospel of John
Dennis Hamm S.J., pp.836–837

Gospel Women: Studies of the Named Women in the Gospels
Karen A. Barta, pp.837–838

The Irony of Galatians: Paul’s Letter in First-Century Context
Thomas H. Tobin S.J., pp.839–840

Where is Boasting?: Early Jewish Soteriology and Paul’s Response in Romans 1–5
Karl P. Donfried, pp.840–842

The Didache: Its Jewish Sources and its Place in Early Judaism and Christianity
Michael Hollerich, pp.842–843

Ambrose of Milan’s Method of Mystagogical Preaching
Louis J. Swift, pp.843–845

Fünf Zentralthemen der Theologie Luthers und seiner Erben: Communicatio, Imago, Figura, Maria, Exempla
Markus Wriedt,845–847

Religion and Culture in Germany (1400–1800)
D. Jonathan Grieser, pp.847–848

John Henry Newman: The Challenge to Evangelical Religion
Gerard H. McCarren, pp.848–850

Subjektivität und Selbstinterpretation des dreifaltigen Gottes: Eine Studie zur Genese und Explikation des Paradigmas “Selbstoffenbarung Gottes” in der Theologie Karl Barths
F. Leron Shults, pp.850–852

The Maze and the Warrior. Symbols in Architecture, Theology, and Music
Stephen Schloesser S.J., pp.852–854

The Incarnation: An Interdisciplinary Symposium on the Incarnation of the Son of God
J. J. Mueller S.J., pp.854–855

Der gottbezogene Mensch: Eine systematische Untersuchung zur Bestimmung des Menschen und zur “Selbstverwirklichung” Gottes in der Anthropologie und Trinitätstheologie Wolfhart Pannenbergs
Joseph A. Bracken S.J., pp.180–182

Resurrection: Theological and Scientific Assessments
Gerald O’Collins S.J., pp.855–857

Cradle of Redeeming Love: The Theology of the Christmas Mystery
Daniel P. Jamros S.J., pp.857–858

Die Grossen Themen des Christlichen Glaubens
Ronald Modras, pp.859–860

Preface to Theology: Christology and Theological Method
John van den Hengel S.C.J., pp.860–862

Josef Fuchs on Natural Law
Russell B. Connors, pp.862–863

The First Grace: Rediscovering the Natural Law in a Post-Christian World
Joseph W. Koterski S.J., pp.863–865

A Defense of Abortion
James T. Bretzke S.J., pp. 865–866

A Call to Fidelity. On the Moral Theology of Charles Curran
Gerald Gleeson, pp.866–868

American Protestant Ethics and the Legacy of H. Richard Niebuhr
Gerald P. McKenny,pp.868–870

Sacramental Presence in a Postmodern Context, Contemporary Sacramental Contours of a God Incarnate, the Presence of Transcendence
James K. Voiss S.J.,pp.870–872

The Church’s Liturgy
Everett A. Diederich S.J., pp.872–874

Accounts of Hope: A Problem of Method in Postmodern Apologia
John K. Downey pp. 874–875

Shorter Notices

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