Reviews & Shorter Notices – February 1942

A Preface to Christian Theology
Clement De Muth S. J., PH.D., pp. 146–150

Christian Social Principles
William E. Donnelly S.J., pp. 150–153

A Spanish Tudor
Gerald Brennan S.J., pp. 153–155

Christian Attitude towards the Emperor in the Fourth Century
F. O. Corcoran S.J., pp. 156–157

The Bible in Its Ancient and English Versions
John J. Collins S.J., pp. 157–158

The Celebration of Mass
D. J. M. Callahan S.J., pp. 158

Benedictine Monasticism as reflected in the Warnefrid-Hildemar Commentaries on the Rule
Augustin C. Wand S.J., pp. 159–160

Quaestiones DE Mystica Terminologia AD Mentem Pseudo-Areopagitae ET Sanctorum Patrum
R. B. Eiten S.J., pp. 160