Reviews & Shorter Notices –February 1954

Interpretatio mariologica Protoevangelii posttridentina
Francis X. Peirce S.J., pp. 117–118

Jesus Christus, Mittelpunkt der Weltanschauung, I: Von Orpheus zur Zinne des Tempels
Herbert A. Musurillo S.J., pp.118–120

The Names of Jesus
John L. McKenzie S.J., pp.120–122

Studien zum neutestamentlichen Schöpfungsgedanken, I
David M. Stanley S.J., pp.122–126

Le prologue de saint Jean
John J. Collins S.J., pp.127–129

Saint Pierre: Disciple, apôtre, martyr, Peter: Disciple, Apostle, Martyr
E. A. Ryan S.J., pp. 129–130

The Hidden Stream
James A. Mara S.J.,130–131

Das Wesen der Eucharistiefeier und des christlichen Priestertums
Cyril Vollert S.J., pp.131–133

Christ Our High Priest
Paul F. Palmer S.J., pp.134–135

The Priest of Today
Leo A. Hogue S.J., pp.135–136

The Church in the Christian Roman Empire
Henry G. J. Beck, pp. 137–143

Communion solennelle et profession de foi
D. J. M. Callahan S.J., pp.137

Tudor Prelates and Politics, 1536–58
Eric McDermott S.J., pp.143–146

Le pontificat de Pie IX (1846–1878)
John F. Broderick S.J., pp.147–152

Katholische Moraltheologie
E. F. Sheridan S.J., pp. 152–153

Leben in Christus
Terrence R. O’Connor S.J., pp.153–155

The Sacred Canons
Joseph J. Farraher S.J., pp.156–157

L’Hygiène mentale et les principes chrétiens
Hugh J. Bihler S.J., pp.157–158

New Problems in Medical Ethics
John J. McLaughlin S.J.,

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