Reviews & Shorter Notices – February 1961

Les institutions de l’Ancien Testament
Frederick L. Moriarty S.J. , pp. 111–112

Newly Discovered Gnostic Writings: A Preliminary Survey of the Nag Hammadi Find
George MacRae S.J. , pp. 112–113

The Holy Spirit and Modern Thought: An Enquiry into the Historical, Theological and Psychological Aspects of the Christian Doctrine of the Holy Spirit
George H. Tavard, pp. 113–115

Theologiae dogmaticae praelectiones 3: De Deo creante et elevante
John F. Sweeney S.J. , pp. 115–117

Il Creatore: L’Inizio della salvezza
John F. Sweeney S.J., pp. 117–119

Cor Iesu: Commentationes in litteras encyclicas Pii PP. XII “Haurietis aquas
John F. Sweeney S.J. , pp. 119–123

De Beata Virgine: Tractatus Dogmaticus
John F. Sweeney S.J. , pp. 124–125

The Baptismal Sacrifice
Edward J. Kilmartin S.J., pp. 125–126

Introduction à l’étude de la théologie du mariage
Joseph E. Kerns S.J., pp. 126–127

The Liturgy and the Word of God
M. J. O’Connell S.J., pp. 127–128

Bringing the Mass to the People
A. Gregory Murray O.S.B., pp. 128–130

Oscar Cullmann: Une théologie de l’histoire du salut
J. H. Crehan S.J. ,pp. 130–131

An American Dialogue
George H. Tavard, pp. 132–133

Roman Catholicism and Religious Liberty
John Tracy Ellis, pp. 133–135

Sandals at the Mosque: Christian Presence amid Islam
R. J. McCarthy S.J. , pp. 135–137

Rebellious Prophet: A Life of Nicolai Berdyaev, An Apostle of Freedom: Life and Teachings of Nicolas Berdyaev
John V. Walsh , pp. 137–138

The Secret of Dreams
Magda B. Arnold, pp. 138–140

A Theological Book List
Thomas J. O’Donnell S.J., pp. 140–141

New Problems in Medical Ethics 4
Thomas E. Clarke S.J. , pp. 141–142

Elements of Christian Philosophy
Gerald A. McCool S.J., pp. 142–143

“Je ne meurs pas …”
Robert O. Johann S.J. , pp. 143–145

De l’actualité historique 1: A la recherche d’une méthode; 2: Progressisme chrétien et apostolat ouvrier
Quentin Lauer S.J. , pp. 145–147

Work and Education: The Role of Technical Culture in Some Distinctive Theories of Humanism
Carl A. Hangartner S.J., pp. 147–148

Christ and Apollo: The Dimensions of the Literary Imagination
Justus George Lawler , pp. 148–150

Shorter Notices
pp. 151–166

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