Reviews & Shorter Notices – February 1978

Theological Dictionary of the Old Testament 1: ‘ābh-bādhādh; 2: bdl–gālāh
Joseph A. Fitzmyer S.J., pp. 154–156

On Genesis: A New Reading
Frederick L. Moriarty S.J., pp. 156–158

Qumrân Grotte 4, II: I. Archéologie
Joseph A. Fitzmyer S.J., pp. 158–160

The Doctrine of the Trinity: God’s Being is in Becoming
John Farrelly O.S.B., pp. 161–162

The Origin of Christology
George H. Tavard, pp. 162–163

The Myth of God Incarnate
pp. 163–166

Grace in Experience and Theology
Jerome M. Dittberner, pp. 166–168

The Resilient Church: The Necessity and Limits of Adaptation
Michael A. Fahey S.J., pp. 168–171

A History of Early Christian Doctrine before the Council of Nicaea 3: The Origins of Latin Christianity
James McCue, pp. 171–172

Famulus Christi: Essays in Commemoration of the Thirteenth Centenary of the Birth of the Venerable Bede
Joseph F. Kelly, pp. 172–176

Introduction to the Reformed Tradition
Howard G. Hageman, pp. 176–178

Wie es zur Definition der päpstlichen unfehlbarkeit kam: Tagebuch Vom 1. Vatikanischen Konzil
John T. Ford C.S.C., pp. 178–180

Newman and His Theological Method: A Guide for the Theologian Today
John T. Ford C.S.C., pp. 180–181

The Theological Method of Karl Rahner
William V. Dych S.J., pp. 181–183

A History of the Churches in the United States and Canada
Thomas O’Brien Hanley S.J., pp. 183–184

“Homo Religiosus” in Mircea Eliade: An Anthropological Evaluation
Peter L. Berger, pp. 184–186

On Synthesizing Marxism and Christianity
Merle Longwood, pp. 186–187

L’Esprit de la Loi: Morale Fondamentale
Josef Hofbeck, pp. 187–189

Servant Leadership
John Langan S.J., pp. 189–190

Catholic Pentecostalism: By René Laurentin
J. Massyngberde Ford, pp. 190–192

Theology and the Philosophy of Science
Frank R. Haig S.J., pp. 192–194

Being and Will: An Essay in Philosophical Theology
G. Michael McCrossin, pp. 194–196

Free Choice: A Self-Referential Argument
John Langan S.J., pp. 196–197

The Cosmological Argument
Joseph Runzo, pp. 197–198

Food First: Beyond the Myth of Scarcity
Bernard Lonergan S.J., pp. 198–199

Shorter Notices
pp. 200–214

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