A journal of academic theology

Reviews & Shorter Notices – February 2000

David: Biblical Portraits of Power
William J. Fulco S.J., pp. 147–148

Judith, Sexual Warrior: Women and Power in Western Culture
Diane Apostolos-Cappadona, pp. 148–150

Honor and Shame in the Gospel of Matthew
Karen A. Barta, pp. 150–151

Jesus as a Figure in History: How Modern Historians View the Man from Galilee
Elliott C. Maloney O.S.B., pp. 151–153

Julian of Norwich and the Mystical Body Politic of Christ
Joan M. Nuth, pp. 153–154

The Preacher’s Demons: Bernardino of Siena and the Social Underworld of Early Renaissance Italy
William V. Hudon, pp. 155–156

Martin Luther: The Christian between God and Death
D. Lyle Dabney, pp. 156–158

A History of the Popes 1830–1914
Joseph A. Komonchak, pp. 158–159

Contesting Spirit: Nietzsche, Affirmation, Religion
Lance Bryon Richey, pp. 159–160

The Sense of the Supernatural
David G. Schultenover S.J., pp.161–162

Catholics and American Culture: Fulton Sheen, Dorothy Day, and the Notre Dame Football Team
Thomas E. Buckley S.J., pp. 162–164

Torture and Eucharist: Theology, Politics, and the Body of Christ
T. Howland Sanks S.J., pp. 164–166

Ritual and Religion in the Making of Humanity
Edward M. O’Flaherty S.J., pp. 166–167

Tower of Babel: The Evidence against the New Creationism
Mark Doughty, pp. 167–169

Harold Wells, pp. 169–170

The Community of the Beautiful: A Theological Aesthetics
John O’Donnell S.J., pp. 171–172

Mystical Theology: The Integrity of Spirituality and Theology
Edward T. Oakes S.J., pp. 173–174

Holy People: A Liturgical Ecclesiology
Michael B. Aune, pp. 174–176

Extravagant Affections: A Feminist Sacramental Theology
Susan K. Wood, pp. 176–178

Freedom and Responsibility
Roberto Dell’Oro, pp. 178–179

An Ethics of Remembering: History, Heterology, and the Nameless others
Bruce T. Morrill S.J., pp. 179–181

The Problematics of Moral and Legal Theory
Robert John Araujo S.J., pp. 181–182

Darwinian Dominion: Animal Welfare and Human Interests
Stephen J. Pope, pp. 182–184

The Desiring Self: Rooting Pastoral Counseling and Spiritual Direction in Self-Transcendence
William J. Sneck S.J., pp. 184–185

Shorter Notices
pp. 186–199

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