Il libro del Qohelet: Tradizione, redazione, teologia
Agustinus Gianto S.J., pp.151–152
Children of a Compassionate God: A Theological Exegesis of Luke 6:20–49
Robert F. O’Toole S.J., pp. 152–154
Thessaloniki—Stadt des Kassander und Gemeinde des Paulus: Eine frühe christliche Gemeinde in ihrer heidnischen Umwelt
Robert North S.J., pp. 154–155
Catholic Principles for Interpreting Scripture: A Study of the Pontifical Biblical Commission’s The Interpretation of the Bible in the Church
William S. Kurz S.J., pp. 155–157
Theologen der christlichen Antike: Eine Einführung
David Vincent Meconi S.J., pp.157–158
Julian von Aeclanum: Studien zu seinem Leben, seinem Werk, seiner Lehre, und ihrer Überlieferung
Roland J. Teske S.J., pp. 159–160
The Forbidden Image: An Intellectual History of Iconoclasm
Robin Jensen, pp.160–162
Ad fontes Lutheri: Toward the Recovery of the Real Luther: Essays in Honor of Kenneth Hagen’s Sixty-Fifth Birthday
Jared Wicks S.J., pp.162–164
Kirchenreform mit Hilfe des Nationalsozialismus: Karl Adam als kontextueller Theologe
Donald J. Dietrich, pp. 164–165
The Earth is the Lord’s: A Narrative History of the Lancaster Mennonite Conference
Joseph J. Kotva, pp.165–167
Theology and the Dialectics of History
Neil Ormerod, pp.167–169
The Magisterium-Theology Relationship: Contemporary Theological Conceptions in the Light of Universal Church Teaching since 1835 and the Pronouncements of the Bishops of the United States
Richard R. Gaillardetz, pp.169–171
A Scientific Theology: Volume I: Nature
Edward T. Oakes S.J., pp.171–172
The Bride of the Lamb
David Vincent Meconi S.J., pp. 172–174
The Revelation of the Glory—Part IVB: The Genealogy of Depravity—Living Alive to the Living God
John P. Galvin, pp.174–175
The One in the Many: A Contemporary Reconstruction of the God-World Relationship
John Berthrong, pp.175–177
Acts amid Precepts: The Aristotelian Logical Structure of Thomas Aquinas’s Moral Theory
Jean Porter, pp. 177–179
Ethics as Grammar: Changing the Postmodern Subject
Linda Hogan, pp. 179–180
Moral Relativism, Moral Diversity, and Human Relationships
Lisa Sowle Cahill, pp.180–182
Moral Freedom: The Search for Virtue in a World of Choice
David E. DeCosse, pp. 182–184
The Ethics of Sex
Michael J. Hartwig, pp.184–185
Church Law and Church Order in Rome and Byzantium: A Comparative Study
Ladislas Orsy S.J. ,pp. 185–187
Selling All: Commitment, Consecrated Celibacy, and Community in Catholic Religious Life. Vol. 2 of Religious Life in the New Millennium
William A. Barry S.J. ,pp.187–189
The Church on the World’s Turf: An Evangelical Christian Group at a Secular University
John Schmalzbauer, pp.189–190
Die Normativität des Wirklichen
Ulrich L. Lehner pp. 191–192