A journal of academic theology

Reviews & Shorter Notices – March 1985

A Galilean Rabbi and His Bible: Jesus’ Use of the Interpreted Scripture of His Time
Casimir Bernas O.C.S.O., pp. 129–130

The Dead Sea Scrolls and the Christian Myth
Joseph A. Fitzmyer S.J., pp. 130–132

Acta Iohannis
Raymond E. Brown S.S., pp. 132–133

Christian Dogmatics
Randy L. Maddox, pp.133–135

Initiation à la pratique de la théologie 3: Dogmatique; 4: Ethique; 5: Pratique
John Farrelly O.S.B., pp. 135–137

The Christian Experience of God as Trinity
Terence German S.J., pp. 137–138

Revelation and its Interpretation
William M. Thompson, pp. 138–139

To Walk Together Again: The Sacrament of Reconciliation
Walter J. Woods, pp. 139–141

Heresies: The Image of Christ in the Mirror of Heresy and Orthodoxy from the Apostles to the Present
John P. Galvin, pp. 141–142

Introduction à l’histoire de l’exégèse 2: Les premiers grands exégètes latins; 3: Saint Augustin
Gerard H. Ettlinger S.J., pp. 143–144

Athanase d’alexandrie, évêque et écrivain: Une lecture des traités Contre les Ariens.
Michael Slusser, pp. 144–146

The Frankish Church
Joseph F. T. Kelly, pp. 146–148

Joachim of Fiore: A Study in Spiritual Perception and History
Leonard I. Sweet , pp. 148–149

The Knight, the Lady and the Priest: The Making of Modern Marriage in Medieval France
Thomas E. Morrissey, pp. 149–151

Traktate und Theorien zum Konzil: Vom Beginn des Grossen Schismas bis zum Vorabend der Reformation (1378–1521)
John M. McDermott S.J., pp. 151–152

Zacharius Ursinus: The Reluctant Reformer, His Life and Times
Carl E. Maxcey, pp. 152–153

Love and Understanding: The Relationship of Will and Intellect in Pierre Rousselot’s Christological Vision
Gerald A. McCool S.J., pp. 153–155

Le Concile de Vatican II: Son église, peuple de Dieu et corps du Christ
Robert Kress, pp. 155–156

Islam and Christianity Today: A Contribution to Dialogue
Solomon I. Sara S.J., pp. 157–158

Abortion and Infanticide
Carol A. Tauer, pp. 158–159

The Christian State of Life
Thomas Dubay S.M., pp. 159–160

Art, Creativity, and the Sacred: An Anthology in Religion and Art
John Renard S.J., pp. 161–162

The Bible and American Arts and Letters
Diane Apostolos-Cappadona, pp. 163–164

The Sexuality of Christ in Renaissance Art and in Modern Oblivion
Boniface Ramsey O.P., pp. 164–166

The Bavarian Rococo Church: Between Faith and Aestheticism
Thomas O’Meara O.P., pp. 166–169

Shorter Notices
pp. 169–184

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