Reviews & Shorter Notices – March 1990

Samuel and the Deuteronomist. A Literary Study of the Deuteronomic History 2:1 Samuel
Frederick L. Moriarty S.J., pp. 127–128

Pharisees, Scribes and Sadducees in Palestinian Society: A Sociological Approach
Robert A. Wild S.J., pp. 128–130

Galilee, Jesus, and the Gospels: Literary Approaches and Historical Investigations
John Topel S.J., pp. 130–132

The Method and Message of Mark
Francis Connolly-Weinert, pp. 132–134

A History of Twelfth-Century Western Philosophy
Donald F. Duclow, pp. 134–135

Le Christ selon saint Thomas d’Aquin
Romanus Cessario O.P., pp. 135–137

An Interpretation of Religion: Human Responses to the Transcendent
Terrence W. Tilley, pp. 137–139

God and Creation in Christian Theology: Tyranny or Empowerment?
John E. Thiel, pp. 140–141

God in History: Shapes of Freedom
Cyril O’Regan, pp. 142–143

Trinity and Society
Robert T. Sears S.J., pp. 143–145

God Encountered: A Contemporary Catholic Systematic Theology 1: Understanding the Christian Faith
Robert P. Imbelli, pp. 145–147

The Art of Public Prayer: Not for Clergy Only
James S. Empereur S.J., pp. 147–148

Catholic Cults and Devotions: A Psychological Inquiry
W. W. Meissner S.J., M.D., pp. 148–150

Philosophers of Consciousness: Polanyi, Lonergan, Voegelin, Ricoeur, Girard, Kierkegaard
Merold Westphal , pp. 150–151

Physics, Philosophy and Theology
John F. Haught, pp. 151–153

Public Catholicism
Robert J. Wister, pp. 153–155

American Catholic Women: A Historical Exploration
Patricia Ayrne C.S.S., pp. 155–156

American Catholic Biblical Scholarship: A History from the Early Republic to Vatican II
John Tracy Ellis, pp. 157–158

The Transformation of Theology, 1830–1890: Positivism and Protestant Thought in Britain and America
James S. Livingston, pp. 158–160

Revelatory Positivism? Barth’s earliest Theology and the Marburg School
Russell W. Palmer, pp. 160–162

Die Tiefe des Seins: Eine Untersuchung zum Ort der Analogia entis im Denken Paul Tillichs
John N. Dwyer, pp. 162–164

The Search for an American Public Theology: The Contribution of John Courtney Murray
J. Leon Hooper R.J., pp. 164–166

Thinking the Faith: Christian Theology in a North American Context
Randy L. Maddox, pp. 166–167

Theory and Practice in Medical Ethics
Daniel P. Sulmasy O.F.M., M.D., pp. 167–169

Unfinished Encounter: China and Christianity
Peter Fleming S.J., pp. 170–171

Shorter Notices
pp. 172–186

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