Reviews & Shorter Notices – March 1992

Job the Silent: A Study in Historical Counterpoint
Frederick L. Moriarity S.J., pp. 138–139

The Corinthian Women Prophets: A Reconstruction through Paul’s Rhetoric
Anthony J. Tambasco, pp. 139–141

Origenes: Commentarii in Epistulam ad Romanos 1–2, Ambrosius: De Sacramentis. De Mysteriis
Brian E. Daley S.J., pp. 141–143

“Arkandisziplin,” Allegorese, Mystagogie: Ein neuer Zugang zur Theologie des Ambrosius von Mailand
Louis J. Swift., pp. 143–144

The Godly Image: Christ and Salvation in Catholic Thought from Anselm to Aquinas
Ralph McInerny, pp. 145–146

John of the Cross and the Cognitive Value of Mysticism
David J. Casey S.J., pp. 146–148

The Counter-Reformation Prince: Anti-Machiavellianism or Catholic Statecraft in Early Modern Europe
Anthony B. Cashman, pp. 148–150

Galileo, Bellarmine and the Bible
Martin F. McCarthy S.J., pp. 150–151

Juana Inés de la Cruz and the Theology of Beauty: The First Mexican Theology
Pamela Kirk, pp. 151–153

Hegel’s Ethical Thought
Philip J. Rossi S.J., pp. 153–155

The Genesis of Doctrine
Nancy C. Ring, pp. 155–156

The Irony of Theology and the Nature of Religious Thought
Mark D. Hart, pp. 157–158

Creation out of Nothing
David S. Cunningham, pp. 158–160

Jesus Christ in Modern Thought
Robert A. Krieg C.S.C. , pp. 160–161

The Way of Jesus Christ: Christology in Messianic Dimensions
John P. Galvin, pp. 161–163

Veni Creator Spiritus: A Theological Encyclopedia of the Holy Spirit
John F. Russell O.Carm., pp. 164–165

Being and Becoming: A Critique of Post-Modernism
Michael J. Kerlin, pp. 165–167

Theology and Dialogue: Essays in Conversation with George Lindbeck
John E. Thiel, pp. 167–169

Religion in the New World: The Shaping of Religious Traditions in the United States
Eldon G. Ernst, pp. 169–171

The Social Sources of Sectarianism: Sects and New Religious Movements in Contemporary Society
John A. Coleman S.J., pp. 171–172

Is Latin America Turning Protestant? The Politics of Evangelical Growth
Joseph P. Fitzpatrick S.J., pp. 172–174

Memoirs in Exile: Confessional Hope and Institutional Conflict
John Reumann, pp. 174–176

Begegnung der Religionen: Theologische Versuche 1
Robert Kress, pp. 176–177

Jesus Christ at the Encounter of World Religions
Francis X. Clooney S.J., pp. 178–179

Shorter Notices
pp. 180–194