A journal of academic theology

Reviews & Shorter Notices –May 1958

The Great Crisis in American Catholic History, 1895–1900, the Emergence of Liberal Catholicism in America
John Tracy Ellis, pp. 237–248

God and the Ways of Knowing
Thomas E. Clarke S.J., pp. 248–249

Paul’s Use of the Old Testament
Thomas Aquinas Collins O.P., pp. 249–252

The Word of Salvation. 3: The Gospel according to St. Luke
Christian P. Ceroke O.Carm., pp. 252–254

Le “Livre des actes” et l’histoire
D. M. Stanley S.J., pp.254–256

Die Bergpredigt
Richard Kugelman C.P., pp.256–258

The Presence of Eternity: History and Eschatology
Vincent T. O’Keefe S.J., pp. 258–259

Um die Reform und Einheit der Kirche: Zum Leben und Werk Georg Witzels
John F. Broderick S.J., pp. 260

Evangelisches Kirchenlexikon. Kirchlich-theologisches Handwörterbuch
Robert E. McNally S.J., pp.261–263

The Christ of Faith: The Christology of the Church
Thomas E. Clarke S.J., pp.263–264

De Christi ratione essendi et operandi
Juniper ummings O.F.M.Conv., pp. 264–265

De sacramentis in genere
William Le Saint S.J., pp. 265–267

Anglican Orders and Defect of Intention
Hugh Ross Williamson, pp. 267–268

Los primeros herejes ante la persecución
Malachi J. Donnelly S.J., pp. 269–270

Pelagii I Papae Epistulae quae supersunt
Robert E. McNally S.J. pp.270–271

Leo der Grosse und die Texte des Altgelasianums
John H. Miller C.S.C. pp. 271–272

Hymns of the Roman Liturgy
Alastair Guinan pp. 272–274

The Art of Teaching Christian Doctrine: The Good News and Its Proclamation
Gerard S. Sloyan pp.274–276

De vocatione religiosa et sacerdotali
R. F. Smith S.J. pp.276–278

Il pensiero teologico di M. J. Scheeben
Cyril Vollert S.J. pp. 278–280

Philippine Duchesne: Frontier Missionary of the Sacred Heart
E. A. Ryan S.J. pp. 280–282

Papal Social Principles: A Guide and Digest
Cornelius A. Eller S.J. pp.282–283

The Character of Man
Ramon A. di Nardo pp. 283–286

Subjectivity and Paradox: A Study of Kierkegaard
James Collins pp. 286–288

Shorter Notices
pp. 28819.2.reviews-notices

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