A journal of academic theology

Reviews & Shorter Notices – May 1959

Biblia polyglotta Matritensia O: Prooemium. 7/21: Psalterium Uisigothicum-Mozarabicum
Vicente Cantarino, pp. 280–282

La bible: Parole humaine et message de Dieu
J. Edgar Bruns, pp. 282–284

Theologie des Alten Testaments 1: Die Theologie der Geschichtlichen Überlieferungen Israels
R. A. F. MacKenzie S.J., pp. 284–286

God’s Word and Work: The Message of the Old Testament Historical Books
Eamonn O’Doherty S.S.C, pp. 286–287

The Life of Christ
Neil J. McEleney C.S.P., pp. 287–288

Petrus und seine Zeit: Neutestamentliche Studien
John J. Collins S.J., pp.289–290

Natura filii irae: Historia interpretationis Eph 2,3 ejusque cum doctrina de peccato originali nexus
Alexander Kerrigan O.F.M., pp.290–292

The Apocalypse of St. John
Dominic J. Unger O.F.M.Cap., pp.292–293

Sacred Doctrine: An Introduction to Theology
Gerald Van Ackeren S.J., pp.293–294

The Christians and the State
H. A. Rommen, pp.294–295

Christ and His Sacraments
James M. Egan O.P., pp.296

Marie dans l’évangile
Neal M. Flanagan O.S.M., pp.297–298

Maria: Etudes sur la sainte Vierge 5
Eamon R. Carroll O.Carm., pp.298–300

Mediatress of All Graces
George W. Shea, pp.300–301

The World to Come
William A. Huesman S.J. pp.301–303

Die Frömmigkeit der Gegenwart: Grundtatsachen der empirischen Psychologie
Elmer O’Brien S.J.303–304

Die Aszese des Christen in der Welt: Ueberlegungen zum rechten Ansatz unserer Aszese
Elmer O’Brien S.J. pp. 304–305

Vrais et faux possédés
Elmer O’Brien S.J. pp.305–306

Liturgia y espiritualidad
Elmer O’Brien S.J. pp.306–307

Doctrine de la cure d’åme
Daniel J. O’Hanlon S.J. pp.307–308

Shaping the Christian Message: Essays in Religious Education
Orrin T. Wheeler S.J. pp.308–309

Church, Kingship, and Lay Investiture in England, 1089–1135
Robert S. Hoyt pp.309–311

The Silent Rebellion: Anglican Religious Communities 1845–1900
James S. Torrens S.J. pp.311–315

The Church Incarnate: The Sacred Function of Christian Architecture
J. Gerard Mears S.J. pp.315–316

Psychopathic Personality and Neurosis
Ramon A. di Nardo pp.316–317

Shorter Notices

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