Reviews & Shorter Notices – May 1976

Matthew: Structure, Christology, Kingdom
J. Alex Sherlock, pp. 317–318

Jesus and the Law in the Synoptic Tradition
James M. Reese O.S.F.S., pp. 318–319

Jésus-Christ Et La Foi: Recherches Néotestamentaires
Bruce Vawter C.M., pp. 319–321

Mit Ihm Und In Ihm: Christologische Forschungen Und Perspektiven
Harvey D. Egan S.J., pp. 321–323

Theological Investigations 13
Anne Carr B.V.M., pp. 323–325

The Case Against Possessions and Exorcisms: A Historical, Biblical, and Psychological Analysis of Demons, Devils, and Demoniacs
Richard Woods O.P., pp. 325–327

Possessed by Satan: The Church’s Teaching on the Devil, Possession and Exorcism
Juan B. Cortés S.J., pp. 327–329

Symbols of Church and Kingdom: A Study in Early Syriac Tradition
Margaret Schatkin, pp. 329

Saint Augustin Et La Première épître De Saint Jean: Une Théologie De L’Agapè
J. Edgar Bruns, pp. 332–333

The Just War in the Middle Ages
Francis X. Winters S.J., pp. 333–336

uther and the False Brethren
John B. Payne, pp. 336–338

John Calvin: A Biography
Joseph N. Tylenda S.J., pp. 338–339

Reformation and Resistance in Tudor Lancashire
Joseph F. Kelly, pp. 339–341

Caesar Baronius: Counter-Reformation Historian
John F. Broderick S.J., pp. 341–343

Lord Acton and the First Vatican Council: A Journal
James Hennesey S.J., pp. 343–344

A Dissent on Bonhoeffer
Geffrey B. Kelly, pp. 344–347

Sein Und Gnade: Die Ontologie In Karl Barths Kirchlicher Dogmatik
Philip J. Rosato S.J., pp. 347–349

Christian Ethics: A Presentation of General Moral Theology in the Light of Vatican Ii
Thomas A. Wassmer S.J., pp. 349–351

Bioethical Decision-Making: Releasing Religion from the Spiritual
Robert Roger Lebel S.J., pp. 351–353

A Theology of Christian Education
Sylvia A. Zeitler, pp. 353–354

Understanding Religious Convictions
John P. Langan S.J., pp. 354–356

The New Demons
Frank R. Haig S.J., pp. 356–358

New Woman New Earth: Sexist Ideologies and Human Liberation
M. Cleophas Costello R.S.M., pp. 358–360

God of the Oppressed
Theodore R. Weber, pp. 360–361

Shorter Notices
pp. 361–376

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