Reviews & Shorter Notices – May 1978

Community of the New Age: Studies in Mark’s Gospel
John R. Donahue S.J., pp. 336–337

Synopse des quatre Evangiles en français 3: L’Evangile de Jean
J. Edgar Bruns, pp. 338–339

A Commentary on the Epistle to the Hebrews
James M. Reese O.S.F.S., pp. 339–340

Paul and Palestinian Judaism: A Comparison of Patterns of Religion
Casimir Bernas O.C.S.O., pp. 340–341

Theology and the Gospel of Christ: An Essay in Reorientation
John J. O’Donnell S.J., pp. 342–343

Theological Method and Imagination
Kenneth C. Russell, pp. 343–344

Reaping the Whirlwind: A Christian Interpretation of History
John Carmody, pp. 345–347

Church and Government in the Middle Ages: Essays Presented to C. R. Cheney on His 70th Birthday
Thomas E. Morrissey, pp. 347–348

Of the Laws of Ecclesiastical Polity 1–2
Paul Surlis, pp. 348–350

The John Carroll Papers 1: 1755–1791; 2: 1792–1806; 3:1807–1815
Robert Emmett Curran S.J., pp. 350–352

Church and State in Revolutionary Virginia, 1776–1787
Thomas O’Brien Hanley, pp. 352–354

Religion in the Old South
Leonard I. Sweet, pp. 354–356

Dagger John: The Unquiet Life and Times of Archbishop John Hughes of New York
J. T. Durkin S.J., pp. 357–358

Doers of the Word: Toward a Foundational Theology Based on the Thought of Michael Polanyi
Stephen Happel, pp. 358–360

Profiles in Belief: The Religious Bodies of the United States and Canada 1: Roman Catholic, Old Catholic, Eastern Orthodox
John Jay Hughes, pp. 360–362

Ermeneutica storiografica
Bernard J. Przewozny O.F.M.Conv., pp. 362–363

The Faith That Does Justice: Examining the Christian Sources for Social Change
Jerome R. Dollard O.S.B., pp. 363–364

Truthfulness and Tragedy: Further Investigations in Christian Ethics
Philip J. Rossi S.J., pp. 365–366

Human Sexuality: New Directions in American Catholic Thought
John R. Connery S.J., pp. 366–368

Counseling the Homosexual
John R. Connery S.J., pp. 368–370

Human Existence, Medicine and Ethics
James J. Doyle C.S.C., pp. 370–371

Abortion in America: The Origins and Evolution of National Policy
John R. Connery S.J., pp. 371–373

Reason and Religion
G. Michael McCrossin, pp. 373–374

Liberation or Revolution? An Examination of the Priest’s Role in the Socioeconomic Class Struggle in Latin America
Brian H. Smith S.J., pp. 375–376

Liberación y teología: Génesis y crecimiento de una reflexión (1966–1976)
Alfred T. Hennelly S.J., pp. 376–378

Shorter Notices
pp. 378–393

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