A journal of academic theology

Reviews & Shorter Notices – September 1951

Die Liebe zu Gott in den nichtchristlichen Religionen
John L. McKenzie S.J., pp. 388–391

Vom Wort des Lebens: Festschrift für Max Meinertz
J. P. Weisengoff, pp. 391–394

Thèmes bibliques: Etudes sur l’expression et le développement de la révélation
R. A. F. MacKenzie S. J., pp. 395–397

Origines de l’univers et de l’homme d’après la Bible: Genèse I-III
John V. O’Connor S.J., pp. 397–399

The Unity of Isaiah
Francis X. Peirce S.J., pp. 399–400

The Burden of Egypt
Frederick L. Moriarty S.J., pp. 400–402

Christ and Time
John J. Collins S.J., pp. 402–404

Tertullian: Seine Persönlichkeit und sein Schicksal
William LeSaint S. J., pp. 404–407

Essai sur saint Jérôme
Francis S. Rossiter, pp. 407–410

Sermones selecti duodeviginti
Vernon J. Bourke, pp. 410–411

Theologia dogmatica. Vol. I: De Deo uno et trino
E. J. Weisenberg S.J., pp. 411–413

L’Union de grâce
E. J. Fortman S.J., pp. 413–416

Die Eucharistie in der Darstellung des Johannes Eck
Peter Mueller S.J., pp. 416–418

Roman Rule in Asia Minor
Frederick L. Moriarty S.J., pp. 418–421

John Knox’s History of the Reformation in Scotland
Henry G. J. Beck, pp. 421–429

The Catholic University of America, 1903–1909: The Rectorship of Denis J. O’Connell
Francis X. Curran S.J., pp. 429–430

Christentum in der Sowjet Union
Peter Mueller S.J., pp. 430–431

Fifty Years of Protestant Theology
Gustave Weigel S.J., pp. 431–433

Depth Psychology, Morality, and Alcoholism
John J. Lynch S.J., pp. 433–435

Lehrbuch des Kirchenrechts
Adam C. Ellis S.J., pp. 435–436

Praelectiones iuris matrimonii
John R. Connery S.J., pp. 436–439

Miscellanea liturgica in honorem L. Cuniberti Mohlberg
Gerald Ellard S.J., pp. 439–442

Liturgie et langue vulgaire
Stephen E. Donlon S.J., pp. 442–445

The Canon of the Mass: Its History, Theology, and Art
Louis E. Sullivan S.J., pp. 445–446

Spinoza et le panthéisme religieux
James Collins, pp. 446–448

Kierkegaard: The Melancholy Dane
James Collins, pp. 448–450

Der Sinn philosophischen Fragens und Erkennens
Balduin V. Schwarz, pp. 450–451

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