A journal of academic theology

Reviews & Shorter Notices – September 1952

Biblical and Theological Studies
John W. Moran S.J., pp. 433–435

L’Ancien Testament et les chrétiens
Frederick L. Moriarty S.J., pp. 435–436

Critical Notes on the Hebrew Text of the Poem of Job
George S. Glanzman S.J., pp. 436–438

Das Heilsgeschehen bei der Taufe nach dem Apostel Paulus
M. P. Stapleton, pp. 438–439

De Deo creationis finem exsequente
Bernard Lonergan S.J., pp. 439–441

The Living Christ
D. J. M. Callahan S.J., pp. 441–442

De corredemptione Beatae Virginis Mariae
Cyril Vollert S.J., pp. 442–444

Le sacrifice dans l’éole française
Augustine G. Ellard S.J., pp. 444–445

De poenitentia, II: De contritione et confessione
William Le Saint S.J., pp. 445–447

Mystique de jésus chez Origène
John L. McKenzie S.J., pp. 447–449

Saint Basil: The Letters, I
Terrence R. O’Connor S.J., pp. 449–451

Der Sentenzenkommentar des Kardinals Stephan Langton
Gerald Van Ackeren S.J., pp. 451–452

Kirchengeschichte, I
John F. Broderick S.J., pp. 452–454

The Pastoral Care of Souls in Southeast France during the Sixth Century
E. A. Ryan S.J., pp. 454–455

Renaissance to Reformation
Edward D. McShane S.J., pp. 455–458

Direction spirituelle et psychologie
Hugh J. Bihler S.J., pp. 458–461

Book Review
D. J. M. Callahan S.J., pp. 461–462

A Summary of Moral and Pastoral Theology
John J. Lynch S.J., pp. 462–463

Alcohol, Culture and Society
John C. Ford S.J., pp. 464–465

Institutiones iuris canonici
Maurice B. Walsh S.J., pp. 465–466

Judaism and Modern Man
Samuel Rosenblatt, pp. 466–467

Evangelische Religionskunde
John L. McKenzie S.J., pp. 468–469

Le problème du mal, II: La Solution
James Collins, pp. 284–286

Il diritto naturale della riforma cattolica: Una giustutcazione storica del sistema di Suarez
John J. McLaughlin S.J., pp. 471–474

Piers Plowman and Scriptural Tradition
Thomas J. Grace S.J., pp. 474–475

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