Reviews & Shorter Notices –September 1958

The Authority of Scripture
Raymond E. Brown S.S., pp. 413–415

Les institutions de l’Ancien Testament 1
Frederick L. Moriarty S.J., pp. 415–417

La formation des évangiles: Problème synoptique et Formgeschichte
Vincent T. O’Keefe S.J., pp.417–418

La date de la Cène: Calendrier biblique et liturgie chrétienne
George W. MacRae S.J., pp.418–419

The Book of the Acts of God: Christian Scholarship Interprets the Bible
Joseph J. DeVault S.J., pp. 419–421

Eve and Mary
Neal M. Flanagan O.S.M., pp. 422–423

De peccato et redemptione
Myles M. Bourke, pp.424–425

Le péché originel dans l’écriture
John L. McKenzie S.J., pp. 425–427

Via Media: An Essay in Theological Synthesis
Philip J. Donnelly S.J., pp. 427–429

Plotinus: The Enneads
Thomas A. Wassmer S.J., pp. 429–431

The Church: An Introduction to the Theology of Saint Augustine
John Quinlan, pp. 432–435

Saint Jérôme
Francis X. Murphy C.SS.R., pp. 432

The King’s Two Bodies: A Study in Medieval Political Theology
Heinrich A. Rommen, pp. 435–437

The Homilies of Wulfstan
Gerald Kernan S.J., pp. 438–439

Grammaire et théologie chez Ibn Hazm de Cordoue: Essai sur la structure et les conditions de la pensée musulmane
Joseph A. Devenny S.J. pp.439–442

La communication de l’être d’après s. Thomas d’Aquin 1: La métaphysique d’un théologien
John S. Dunne C.S.C.pp. 442–444

Conquest of the Kingdom of God
D. J. M. Callahan S.J. pp.444–445

Ponder Slowly
Thomas G. O’Callaghan S.J. pp.445–446

Stages in Prayer, Guidance in Spiritual Direction
David Hurst O.S.B. pp.446–447

Public Worship: A Survey
Gerald Ellard S.J. pp. 447–448

Comparative Liturgy
Gerald Ellard S.J. pp. 448–449

The Worship of the Church: A Companion to Liturgical Studies
William J. Leonard S.J. pp. 450–451

Destin du catholicisme français, 1926–1956
George H. Tavard A.A. pp.451–453

The Conflict with Rome
James L. Monks S.J. pp.453–454

Ecumenism and the Evangelical
Titus Cranny S.A. pp. 454–455

An Introduction to Western Philosophy
James I. Conway S.J. pp. 456–457

Shorter Notices

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