A journal of academic theology

Reviews & Shorter Notices -September 1962

Offenbarung: Biblischer und theologischer Begriff
Charles H. Henkey pp. 458–459

Die Verstockung Israels: Isaias 6:9–10 in der Theologie der Synoptiker
John L. McKenzie S.J. , pp. 459–461

La théologie du Nouveau Testament: Etat de la question
Joseph A. Fitzmyer S.J. , pp. 461–463

Christ without Myth: A Study Based on the Theology of Rudolf Bultmann
Joseph Cahill S.J. , pp. 463–465

Die Kirche im Neuen Testament
Raymond E. Brown S.S. , pp. 465–467

Son and Saviour: A Study of Acts 13,32–37
Joseph A. Fitzmyer S.J , pp. 467–469

Kyrios und Pneuma: Studien zur Christologie der paulinischen Hauptbriefe
David Stanley S.J. , pp. 469–471

Maria nella Scrittura e nella tradizione della Chiesa primitiva
Dominic Unger O.F.M.Cap., pp. 471–472

Gnosticism: A Sourcebook of Heretical Writings from the Early Christian Period, the Earliest Lives of Jesus
Herbert Musurillo S.J., pp. 472–475

Augustine the Bishop: The Life and Work of a Father of the Church
Matthew J. O’Connell S.J. pp. 475–479

Dictionnaire de spiritualité
William J. Burke S.J., pp. 479–481

Théologie de la vie monastique: Etudes sur la tradition patristique, Théologie de la vie monastique: D’après quelques grands moines des époques moderne et contemporaine
Polycarp Sherwood O.S.B. , pp. 481–483

L’Eglise en prière: Introduction à la liturgie
Clifford Howell S.J. , pp. 483–484

Chiesa e stato nei primi quindici secoli: Profilo dello sviluppo della teoria attraverso le fonti e la bibliografia
Hortense A. Doyle R.S.C.J. ,pp. 485–486

Fe católica e iglesias y sectas de la Reforma
John A. Hardon S.J. , pp. 486–489

Misionología: Problemas introductorias y ciencias auxiliares
Edward L. Murphy S.J. , pp. 489–491

Family Planning and Modern Problems: A Catholic Analysis
Thomas K. Burch ,pp. 491–493

War and the Christian Conscience: How Shall Modern War Be Conducted Justly?
Robert H. Springer S.J. , pp. 493–495

Philosophical Readings in Cardinal Newman
Vincent F. Blehl S.J. , pp. 495–497

The Faith of a Heretic
James Collins , pp. 497–499

Weltkirchen Lexikon: Handbuch der Ökumene
Charles H. Henkey ,pp. 500–501

The Integrating Mind: An Exploration into Western Thought
Justus George Lawler pp. 501–502

Shorter Notices
pp. 502–523

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