A journal of academic theology

Reviews & Shorter Notices – September 1964

Interpreting the Bible
Dennis J. McCarthy S.J. , pp. 420–422

Israel’s Concept of the Beginning
John L. McKenzie S.J. , pp. 422–424

Theological Dictionary of the New Testament 1: A—T
Joseph A. Fitzmyer S.J. pp. 424–427

Der Sohn des lebendigen Gottes: Ein Beitrag zur Christologie des Matthäusevangelium
Joseph A. Fitzmyer S.J. , pp. 427–430

Historical Tradition in the Fourth Gospel
Raymond E. Brown S.S. pp. 430–433

Man in Community
John L. McKenzie S.J. , pp. 433–435

The Spirituality of the New Testament and the Fathers
J. H. Crehan S.J. ,pp. 435–437

Jewish Symbols in the Greco-Roman Period 9–11
Herbert Musurillo S.J. , pp. 437–439

fant Baptism in the First Four Centuries, Did the Early Church Baptize Infants?, the Origin of Infant Baptism
Edward J. Kilmartin S.J. ,pp. 439–445

Limbo: Unsettled Question
Edward J. Kilmartin S.J. pp. 445–447

The Problem of an Apologetical Perspective in the Trinitarian Theology of St. Thomas Aquinas
William J. Hill O.P. , pp. 447–449

The Political Ideas of Nicholas of Cusa, with Special Reference to His De Concordantia Catholica
Charles H. Lohr S.J. pp. 449–451

The Quest for Catholicity: The Development of High Church Anglicanism, One and Apostolic
W. Gordon Wheeler. , pp. 451–453

Visions and Prophecies, Visions, Revelations, and the Church
Avery Dulles S.J. pp. 453–456

La piété russe
George A. Maloney S.J. , pp. 456–457

Faith and the World
Avery Dulles S.J. pp. 457–459

Greek Myths and Christian Mystery
Matthew J. O’Connell S.J. pp. 459–463

The Theology of Marriage: The Historical Development of Christian Attitudes toward Sex and Sanctity in Marriage
Paul F. Palmer S.J., pp. 463–466

Comentarios al Código de derecho canónico 1
John J. Reed S.J. pp. 466–467

Shorter Notices
pp. 468–492

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