A journal of academic theology

Reviews & Shorter Notices – September 1965

Das Siegeslied am Schilfmeer: Christliche Auseinandersetzungen mit dem Alten Testament
Roland E. Murphy O.Carm. , pp. 428–429

Le Livre des Proverbes
J. T. Forestell C.S.B. , pp. 429–431

All the Kingdoms of the Earth
John L. McKenzie S.J. pp. 431–433

Heilsmittler im Alten Testament und im Alten Orient
Dennis J. McCarthy S.J., pp. 433–436

L’Evangile selon saint Matthieu
James C. Turro pp. 436–438

The Composition and Order of the Fourth Gospel: Bultmann’s Literary Theory
Raymond E. Brown S.S. , pp. 438–440

Eine Antilogie des Eutherios von Tyana, Das Evangelium nach Philippos, Das Problem der Abhängigkeit des Basilius von Plotin: Quellenuntersuchungen zu seinen Schriften de Spiritu sancto, Die 50 geistlichen Homilien des Makarios, Studien zur Epistula apostolorum
Walter J. Burghardt S.J. ,pp. 440–444

The Christian Centuries 1: The First Six Hundred Years
Martin R. P. McGuire , pp. 444–447

Geistesgeschichte der altchristlichen Kultur
Francis X. Murphy C.SS.R. , pp. 447–450

Sacraments and Orthodoxy
Edward J. Kilmartin S.J. pp. 450–452

The Preaching Word: On the Theology of Proclamation
Thomas Dubay S.M. ,pp. 452–453

Dictionnaire de spiritualité
Dominic Maruca S.J. pp. 454–456

Personal Faith
Gerald A. McCool S.J., pp. 456–457

Glaubensverkündigung im Lichte der Frohbotschaft
James M. Carmody S.J. pp. 457–459

Mariologie et oecuménisme 1: Eglise orthodoxe: Doctrine mariale et influence sur l’Occident; 2: Positions protestantes face au dogme catholique; 3: Recherches catholiques: Théologie et pastorale, Mary, Mother of All Christians
Eamon R. Carroll O.Carm. , pp. 459–464

Summa theologiae 3: Knowing and Naming God (1a.12–13); 4: Knowledge in God (1a. 14–18); 6: The Trinity (1a. 27–32); 22: Dispositions for Human Acts (1a2ae. 49–54); 26: Original Sin (1a2ae. 81–85); 39: Religion and Worship (2a2ae. 80–91); 58: The Eucharistic Presence (3a. 73–78)
M. J. O’Connell S.J. pp. 464–473

Obedient Rebels
Robert E. McNally S.J. pp. 474–476

Luther and Aquinas on Salvation
John W. Healey S.J. , pp. 476–477

Anglicanism in Ecumenical Perspective
George H. Tavard pp. 478–479

The Church Tomorrow
Avery Dulles S.J. pp. 480–482

Seminary in Crisis, Seminary Education in a Time of Change, Apostolic Renewal in the Seminary in the Light of Vatican Council II
John Walsh S.J. pp. 482–490

The Political Thought of Pierre d’Ailly: The Voluntarist Tradition
James C. Finlay S.J. pp. 490–492

John Courtney Murray: Contemporary Church-State Theory
Patricia Barrett R.S.C.J. pp. 492–495

Le droit naturel á la liberté religieuse
Joseph V. Dolan S.J. pp. 495–498

The Letters on Apologetics, and History and Dogma
Avery Dulles S.J. pp. 498–500

Phenomenology and Atheism
James Collins , pp. 500–503

Martin Heidegger und Thomas von Aquin
Thomas Langan pp. 503–504

The Relevance of Science: Creation and Cosmogony
Frank R. Haig S.J. , pp. 504–506

Shorter Notices
pp. 506–534

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