A journal of academic theology

Reviews & Shorter Notices – September 1969

Jesus and the Zealots: A Study of the Political Factor in Primitive Christianity
Bruce Vawter C.M. pp. 498–500

Development of Christian Doctrine: Some Historical Prolegomena
Herbert Musurillo S.J. ,pp. 500–501

Dogmatique de l’Église orthodoxe catholique 3
James L. Monks S.J. pp. 502–503
L’Ecclésiologie du haut moyen-Âge
George H. Tavard pp. 503–505
Elizabeth and the English Reformation: The Struggle for a Stable Settlement of Religion
John E. Booty pp. 506–507

Kierkegaard on christ and Christian Coherence
Louis Dupré , pp. 507–509
Total Commitment: Blondel’s L’Action
Anselm Atkins O.C.S.O. pp. 509–511
Glaubensgewissheit in Freiheit
Robert J. Schachner-Dionne S.M. , pp. 511–515

The Word of God and Tradition
Patrick J. Burns S.J. ,pp. 515–516

The Law-Gospel Debate
P. Joseph Cahill S.J. pp. 517–520
Vom Gesetz zum Gewissen: Das Verhältnis von Gewissen und Gesetz und die Erneuerung der Kirche
Sabbas J. Kilian O.F.M. ,pp. 520–522
Obedience and the Church
Richard P. McBrien pp. 522–523

Hearers of the Word
Bernard A. Nachbahr pp. 523–525
God the Future of Man
Peter Chirico S.S. pp. 525–526
The Presence and Absence of God
David Burrell C.S.C. pp. 526–528
The End of Conventional Christianity
Albert C. Outler pp. 528–529

The Search for a Usable Future
Lawrence Cunningham pp. 529–531
Reflective Theology: Philosophical Orientations in Religion
Vincent M. Cooke S.J. pp. 531–532
L’Eglise dans le monde de ce temps: Constitution pastorale Gaudium et spes: 1: Texte et traduction; histoire des textes; 2: Commentaires; 3: RÉflexions et perspectives
Leo A. Cullum S.J. pp. 532–534
The Holy see and the War in Europe 1: March 1939-August 1940
Dennis F. Wachtel pp. 534–536
The Non-Violent Cross: A Theology of Revolution and Peace
William J. Sullivan S.J. pp. 536–537

An Introduction to Pastoral Counseling
John F. Harvey O.S.F.S. pp. 537–539

Religious Values in Counseling and Psychotherapy
W. W. Meissner S.J. pp. 539–540
Human Aggression
W. W. Meissner S.J. pp. 540–542
Auflösbarkeit Unauflöslicher Ehen
Clarence McAuliffe S.J. pp. 542–544
Shorter Notices
pp. 544–559

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