A journal of academic theology

Reviews & Shorter Notices -September 1978

Les miracles de Jésus selon le Nouveau Testament
James M. Reese O.S.F.S., pp. 536–537

God and Utopia: The Church in a Technological Civilization
David M. Thomas, pp. 537–538

Gerechtigheid en Liefde: Genade en Bevrijding
Robert Schreiter C.PP.S., pp. 539–540

Sacrements dans l’Esprit: Existence humaine et théologie existentielle
Edward J. Kilmartin S.J., pp. 540–541

The Origins of the Christian Doctrine of Sacrifice
Raymond E. Brown S.S., pp. 541–543

Glaube in Geschichte und Gesellschaft: Studien zu einer praktischen Fundamentaltheologie
William P. Loewe, pp. 543–544

El Espiritu Santo en San Hilario de Poitiers
John M. McDermott S.J., pp. 544–546

Sin and Confession on the Eve of the Reformation
James F. McCue, pp. 546–547

Pier Paolo Vergerio: The Making of an Italian Reformer
Joseph N. Tylenda S.J., pp. 547–548

Catholicism between Luther and Voltaire: A New View of the Counter-Reformation
John W. O’Malley S.J., pp.548–549

Catholic Revivalism: The American Experience 1830–1900
James Hennesey S.J., pp. 549–551

Catholic Theology in the Nineteenth Century: The Quest for a Unitary Method
John W. Padberg S.J., pp. 551–552

Religion and Revolution in Peru, 1824–1976
Margaret E. Crahan, pp. 552–553

Bishops and Writers: Aspects of the Evolution of Modern English Catholicism
Eric McDermott S.J., pp. 553–555

“Welt” und “Entweltlichung” in der Theologie Rudolf Bultmanns: Zum Zusammenhang von Welt- und Heilsverständnis
P. Joseph Cahill, pp. 555–556

La cristologia di Hans Urs von Balthasar: La figura di Gesù Cristo espressione visibile di Dio
John M. McDermott S.J., pp. 557–558

Themes in Fundamental Moral Theology
Vincent J. Genovesi S.J., pp. 558–560

Perspectives on Morality: Essays by William K. Frankena
Joseph Runzo, pp. 560–561

Ethics at the Edge of Life: Medical and Legal Intersections
Thomas A. Shannon, pp. 561–563

Death and Eternal Life
John Langan S.J., pp. 563–565

The Clergyman and the Psychiatrist—When to Refer
W. W. Meissner S.J., M.D., pp. 565–567

Identity and the Sacred
John A. Coleman S.J., pp. 567–570

The Church and Third World Revolution
John O. Hogan, pp. 570–571

Population Policy and Ethics: The American Experience
Drew Christiansen S.J., pp. 571–573

Anti-Judaism in Christian Theology
John T. Pawlikowski O.S.M., pp. 573–575

Ingmar Bergman ou la passion d’être homme aujourd’hui
Katherine S. Kovács, pp. 575–577

Shorter Notices
pp. 578–592

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