A journal of academic theology

Reviews & Shorter Notices – September 1983

Targum Onkelos to Deuteronomy: An English Translation of the Text with Analysis and Commentary (Based on A. Sperber’s Edition)
Joseph A. Fitzmyer S.J., pp. 497–498

Hebrews and Perfection: An Examination of the Concept of Perfection in the Epistle to the Hebrews
James M. Reese O.S.F.S., pp. 498–499

The First Urban Christians: The Social World of the Apostle Paul
David Greenwood, pp. 499–501

The Three-Personed God: The Trinity as a Mystery of Salvation
Catherine M. Lacugna, pp. 501–502

Pour que l’homme devienne Dieu
E. Gerard Carroll, pp. 502–503

Basics of a Roman Catholic Theology
Robert J. Schreiter C.PP.S., pp. 504–505

Christian Antioch: A Study of Early Christian Thought in the East
Michael Slusser, pp. 505–507

Eusèbe de Césarée commentateur: Platonisme et écriture sainte
Gerard H. Ettlinger S.J., pp. 507–508

The Sack of Rome, 1527
John W. O’Malley S.J., pp. 508–509

Hinführung zu Luther
James F. McCue, pp. 509–511

The Common Corps of Christendom: Ecclesiological Themes in the Writings of Sir Thomas More

Donald J. Grimes C.S.C., pp. 511–512

The Theology of Schleiermacher
John E. Thiel, pp. 512–513

Unfehlbarkeit und Geschichte: Studien zur Unfehlbarkeitsdiskussion von Melchior Cano bis zum I. Vatikanischen Konzil
John T. Ford C.S.C., pp. 513–515

Papal Infallibility: An Application of Lonergan’s Theological Method
John T. Ford C.S.C., pp. 515–516

Nationalism, Positivism and Catholicism: The Politics of Charles Maurras and French Catholics 1890–1914
Roger Haight S.J., pp. 516–518

Teilhard’s Vision of the Past: The Making of a Method
Donald P. Gray, pp. 518–520

Le droit de l’église à la liberté: Du Syllabus à Vatican II
Joseph N. Moody, pp. 520–522

Personal Becoming: In Honor of Karl Rahner
Robert Masson, pp. 522–523

A History of the Church in Latin America: Colonialism to Liberation (1492–1979)
John P. Hogan, pp. 523–524

The Spiritual Legacy of the American Indian
Carl F. Starkloff S.J., pp. 524–525

Will and Spirit: A Contemplative Psychology
W. W. Meissner S.J., M.D., pp. 525–527

The Religious Experience: A Social-Psychological Perspective
W. W. Meissner S.J., M.D., pp. 527–529

Religion on Capitol Hill: Myths and Realities
Michael J. McGinniss F.S.C., pp. 529–530

Aging as a Spiritual Journey
T. L. Brink, pp. 530–531

Orality and Literacy: The Technologizing of the Word
Philip C. Rule S.J., pp. 531–532

Shorter Notices
pp. 532–547

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