A journal of academic theology

Reviews & Shorter Notices – September 1987

Early Biblical Interpretation
Robert L. Wilken, pp. 537–538

Reconciliation, Law & Righteousness: Essays in Biblical Theology
Robert J. Karris O.F.M., pp. 538–540

The early Christians: Their World Mission & Self-Discovery
Stanley B. Marrow S.J., pp. 540–541

The Moral World of the First Christians
Luke T. Johnson, pp. 541–543

Theology after Wittgenstein
Jerome M. Dittberner, pp. 543–545

Dieu, le temps et l’être
John Farrelly O.S.B., pp. 545–547

The Logic of God Incarnate
Paul F. Lakeland, pp. 547–548

Self, God, and Immortality: A Jamesian Investigation
Robert J. Roth S.J., pp. 548–550

Justification and Merit: Luther vs. Catholicism
James F. McCue, pp. 550–551

L’Eglise et les défits du monde: La dynamique de Vatican II
George E. Tavard, pp. 551–553

Anthropology of the Christian Vocation 1: Interdisciplinary Bases
John M. McDermott S.J., pp. 553–554

Women and Religion in America: A Documentary History 3: 1900–1968, Women-Church: Theology and Practice of Feminist Liturgical Communities, the Double Cross: Ordination, Abortion, and Catholic Feminism
Lisa Sowle Cahill, pp. 554–557

Homo vivens: Incorruptibilité et divinisation de l’homme selon Iréneé de Lyon
Mary Ann Donovan S.C., pp. 557–558

Les sens spirituels et la vision de Dieu selon Syméon le noubeau théologien
Gerard H. Ettlinger S.J. , pp. 558–560

Trinität in der Scholastik, Trinitarische Begegnungen bei Bonaventura: Fruchtbarkeit einer appropriativen Trinitätstheologie
Thomas Reist O.F.M.Conv., pp. 560–562

Le Siècle des lumières et la Bible
George H. Tavard, pp. 562–563

John XXII and Papal Teaching Authority
John M. McDermott S.J., pp. 564–565

The Russian Orthodox Church: A Contemporary History
John Meyendorff, pp. 565–567

Ethics: Systematic Theology 1
Philip J. Rossi S.J., pp. 567–569

Public Virtue: Law and the Social Character of Religion
John A. Coleman S.J., pp. 569–570

The Resurrection of Nature: Political Theory and the Human Character
John W. Crossin O.S.F.S., pp. 570–572

“I Encountered God!” The Spiritual Exercises with the Gospel of Saint John
John R. Keating S.J., pp. 572–573

The Glory of the Lord: A Theological Aesthetics 3: Studies in Theological Style: Lay Styles
William M. Thompson, pp. 573–575

Leo Tolstoy, Resident and Stranger: A Study in Fiction and Theology
Philip P. Rule S.J., pp. 575–577

Christianity and the World Religions
Bernard J. Verkamp, pp. 577–580

Shorter Notices
pp. 580–597

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