A journal of academic theology

Agnes M. Brazal

Synodality and the New Media

During his pontificate, Pope Francis has both broadened and enhanced the concept of synodality and the synodal process to involve “especially those on the periphery who are often excluded and forgotten” (Vademecum) and even those who have left the church. This thrust toward maximum participation and inclusion will necessarily give rise to divergences and conflicts

Church as Sacrament of Yin-yang Harmony: Toward a More Incisive Participation of Laity and Women in the Church

The author proposes a development of the Federation of Asian Bishops Conference’s
theology of church as a sacrament of harmony, drawing in particular from the East
Asian concept of yin-yang unity and integration. In Daoist beliefs, yin and yang are
the generative forces of the cosmos whose blending and balancing result in harmony
or the unimpeded flow of Qi-Ch’i. Yin and yang are opposite, complementary, nondualistic, and fluid qualities of beings/things relative to particular contexts. The yinyang symbolism can be fruitful for reimagining man–woman, cleric–lay, and other
dualities in the church as fluid polarities.

Longing for Transcendence: Cyborgs and Trans- and Posthumans

Technology is transforming the human body into a cyborg by making it a part of cyber networks. Transhumanists and posthumanists argue that technology will enable humans to overcome bodily limitation by reaching a technological immortality. The authors discuss recent literature on anthropological approaches and ethical implications about this technological promise. They suggest that the “Body

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