A journal of academic theology

Christopher Steck, SJ

From the Editor’s Desk – November 2021

I remember being deeply moved when I first read Karl Rahner’s On Prayer, based on a series of meditations he had given in Munich after World War II. Moved and surprised: I had not associated Rahner’s writings with such power to affect the heart. Rational, persuasive, brilliant, insightful, yes, but not spiritually moving. I shouldn’t have

From the Editor’s Desk – September 2021

“One professor from MIT reports a new technology, a ‘book’ made of electronic paper which needs only to be plugged in and charged up with a text downloaded.” So wrote Michael Fahey, SJ, the late editor in chief of Theological Studies, in his December 1997 column. Those electronic pages have long ceased to be a wondrous

From the Editor’s Desk – June 2021

The Society of Jesus, along with its institutional partners and Ignatian colleagues, will participate in an “Ignatian Year” from May 20, 2021 through July 31, 2022. The year commemorates the 500th anniversary of the event that began Ignatius’s conversion (his injury via cannonball at the Battle of Pamplona) and is meant to invite participants into

From the Editor’s Desk – April 2021

Among the painful lessons of our COVID era is the reminder that however vulnerable sociality may be to the caprice of external forces, it always remains fundamental to our condition. We need relationships: the intimate bonds of friendship and closely-knit communities; the casually-sustained familiarity of good acquaintances; and the unpredictable resonances of quotidian encounters. We

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