Stephen J. Pope

Anger, Forgiveness, and Restorative Justice in Light of Clerical Sexual Abuse and Its Cover-up

Catholic tradition provides resources for understanding morally legitimate anger as
ordered to the good of survivors and their wider communities, a way of conceiving
of forgiveness as a caritas-inspired decision to willing what is authentically good for
an offender, including just retributive measures, and support for employing practices
of restorative justice as a means of addressing clerical sexual abuse and its cover-up.

Integral Human Development: From Paternalism to Accompaniment

This article traces the development of Catholic treatments of integral human
development from Paul VI’s Populorum Progressio to the writings of Pope Francis
on accompaniment. The author argues that community organizing is an important
avenue for promoting the political dimension of accompaniment as understood in the
teaching of Pope Francis.

Does Evolution Have a Purpose? The Theological Significance of William Stoeger’s Account of “Nested Directionality”

William Stoeger, SJ, a highly influential proponent of theistic evolution, maintained that scientific understanding of the three major phases of evolution—cosmic, prebiotic, and biotic—all indicate that the universe is marked by an intrinsic tendency to produce novel kinds of entities, greater and greater organized complexity, intensified interconnectedness between organisms and their environments, and an unimaginable

The Convergence of Forgiveness and Justice: Lessons from El Salvador

[Forgiveness and justice need not be understood as diametrically opposite moral responses to human evil. The murder of the Jesuits in El Salvador indicates ways in which truth-telling contributes to justice, and both of these to forgiveness and reconciliation. If the Church is to play a leadership role in reconciliation, it must encourage truth-telling and

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