A journal of academic theology

Volume 63 Number 2

Reviews & Shorter Notices – May 2002

Unfolding the Deuteronomistic History: Origins, Upgrades, Present Text Susan Niditch, pp.382–383 David’s Secret Demons: Messiah, Murderer, Traitor, King John J. Collins, pp.383–385 Jüngerberufung und Zuwendung zu Gott: Ein exegetischer Beitrag zum Konzept der matthäischen Soteriologie im Anschluss an Mt 9,9–13 Benedict T. Viviano O.P., pp.385–386 The Critical Edition of Q: A Synopsis Including the Gospels

June 2002 editorial

The first several months of this year have been acutely painful and deeply troubling for Catholics in the United States. Each day, so it seemed, new revelations about sexual abuse of minors by priests have been made public. Adding to the shock have been published accounts illustrating grievous neglect by church leaders to address the

The Ratzinger/Kasper Debate: The Universal Church and Local Churches

[The discussions between Joseph Ratzinger and Walter Kasper on the relationship between the universal Church and the local/particular churches touch on one of today’s major theological and pastoral issues. If the universal Church is ontologically and temporally prior to the local church, then how is the local church fully Church, and how are bishops truly

The Theological Hermeneutics of Edward Schillebeeckx

[The theological hermeneutics of Edward Schillebeeckx facilitated a reflection on Christology tied to the notion of “experience.” This allowed Schillebeeckx to interpret the experience of salvation in Christ from one cultural milieu to the next. However, the overall experiment in Christology failed to acknowledge the limitations, especially for today, imposed by his reliance on frameworks

Flannery O’Connor’s Use of Symbol Roger Haight’s Christology and the Religious Writer

[The author argues that Flannery O’Connor’s fiction and critical prose are informed by a theological understanding of symbol, a narrative Christology from below, and a consciousness of her task as a religious writer of modernity. This places her work in mutually constructive conversation with the writing of postmodern Christology, represented, for instance, by Roger Haight’s

Postcolonial African Theology in Kabasele Lumbala

[The author examines various trends and methodological developments in African Christian theology, particularly processes of “ordering” and subsequently “disordering” as a particularly African theological method. His framework suggests that colonialists and theologians shared a common purpose, namely ordering, and as a result, theology and colonialism developed related methodologies of ordering knowledge. In the postcolonial era

Toward Global Ethics

[Several earlier essays in this journal have explored questions such as whether it is possible to speak of intercultural dialogue about the common good in an era of globalization, or whether one can even seek a “global ethics.” These questions are more poignant and critical since the tragic events of September 11, 2001. The author

The Exodus in the Christian Bible: The Case for ‘Figural’ Reading

[Many Christians find the Christian Bible, comprised of the Old and New Testament, diffuse, lacking unity, and therefore difficult to use in systematic theology. Yet the Bible itself uses a powerful organizing principle that spans both testaments and unites them, namely the Exodus in its dual aspects of liberation and formation. There are three Exodus

Images of God within Systematic Theology

[While respecting the freedom of expression inherent in Sally McFague’s notion of “metaphorical theology,” the author argues that the choice of a single governing image or set of interrelated images (e.g., the notion of God as a community of divine persons) is much more suitable for expansion into a systematic theology adequately representing the God-world

On Contemporary Martyrs: Some Recent Literature

[This brief ongoing survey reviews some current literature on martyrs with special emphasis on those who have died for the faith in our own time. The author also addresses the claim that this literature is not only hagiographic (in the best sense of the word) but also a frequently overlooked resource for theological reflection.]

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