Volume 63 Number 4

Reviews & Shorter Notices – December 2002

Genesis as Dialogue: A Literary, Historical, and Theological Commentary Ronald A. Simkins, pp.840–841 1 & 2 Kings David Penchansky, pp. 841–842 Menstrual Purity: Rabbinic and Christian Reconstructions of Biblical Gender Bruce J. Malina, pp. 843–844 Papal Letters in the Early Middle Ages Thomas F. X. Noble, pp.844–846 With the Grain of the Universe: The Church’s

December 2002 editorial

Between correcting the first and second set of publishers galleys for this December issue of the journal,  I had the good fortune to participate in an international conference devoted to the theme The Holy Spirit and Ecumenism, sponsored by the Cardinal Suenens Center of John Carroll University, Cleveland, and held at the Monastery of Bose,

Bonaventure and the Sin of the Church

[The author describes how the medieval tradition answered the question of whether one can legitimately speak of collective ecclesial sin. Using principally Bonaventure as a focal point, he examines how the notion of ecclesial sin functioned simultaneously as reform rhetoric and an ecclesial apologetic of humility. Finally, he applies Bonaventure’s analysis of ecclesial sin to

New Voices in the Tradition: Medieval Hagiography Revisited

[The author argues for the use of hagiographical texts to expand the evidence for the theological tradition, precisely during the early Middle Ages when more obvious sources are wanting. Her thesis is that there is sound basis for reading the lives of the saints through the lens of doctrinal theology. After giving this evidence, she

Walter Kasper on the Theology and Praxis of the Bishop’s Office

[The author reviews the discussion between Kasper and Ratzinger on the ontological priority of the universal Church, and then summarizes several studies by Kasper on the papacy and episcopacy at Vatican I, on Aquinas’s teaching about the bishop’s ministry, and Vatican II’s teachings on the institution of the bishop’s office, as well as the pastoral,

Catherine Mowry LaCugna’s Contribution to Trinitarian Theology

[Catherine Mowry LaCugna’s God for Us: The Trinity and Christian Life (1991) constitutes a paradigm shift in present-day trinitarian theology. LaCugna was convinced that the standard paradigm of the economic and immanent Trinity was fraught with a variety of limitations. She offered as an alternative framework the principle of the inseparability of theologia and oikonomia,

Responsibility for Human Rights: Contributions from Bernard Lonergan

[The moral category of human rights has been in jeopardy since the beginning of the UN Declaration of Human Rights (1948) because of an indefiniteness about the complementary category of whose responsibility it is to meet their moral claims. Lonergan’s understanding of responsibility is presented here as valuable for supplying this hiatus. Even though he

The Dual Vocation of Christian Parents

[The author argues that Christian parents have a dual vocation: to care for their children and to contribute to the larger society. Recent theology on the family shows that most writers emphasize only one part of that dual vocation. The author argues that this tendency diminishes family ethics. She roots the obligation to care for

The Theological Notes and the Interpretation of Doctrine

[The author first examines the application of the qualificatio theologica or theological norm as an aid to doctrinal interpretation in Catholic neo-Scholastic theology. He then explores the emergence of related interpretive questions at Vatican II, particularly with regard to two sections of Lumen gentium. His examination suggests a hermeneutical principle for interpreting the documents of

Eucharistic Sharing: Revising the Question

[The author provides a brief examination of Roman Catholic norms for sharing communion with non-Catholic Christians. He then discusses three areas of concern with respect to these norms as currently formulated: the Eucharist as the cause and expression of unity; the Eucharist in the context of Christian initiation; and Christian ministry with respect to eucharistic

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