A journal of academic theology

Volume 64 Number 4

December 2003 editorial

Since my editorial musings are written almost two months before their publication, much can happen in the intervening weeks. It is mid-October as I mull over various themes, a time that encompasses the 25th anniversary of Pope John Paul IIs election to the papal office. This week also celebrates the beatification of Mother Teresa of

The Mystery of Divine Providence

[Catastrophic events, both personal and collective, raise the question of divine Providence. How can an infinitely good Creator allow the kind of evil that puts the divine goodness in doubt? The question has been faced since patristic times. Theories of predestination have been proposed. Spirituals have adored God in the mystery of divine Providence. There

Christian Doctrines Ethical Issues and Human Genetics

[The basis of Christian ethics is a balance of the doctrines of creation, sin, redemption, and fulfillment which are at the heart of all human situations. Applying these four doctrines to human genetics leads to: recognizing a creative human role that respects the inner constitution of the human creature; being alert to the human capacity

Rethinking Morality’s Relationship to Salvation: Josef Fuchs S.J. on Moral Goodness

[The author explains Fuchs’s two distinct notions of moral goodness and their relationship to salvation. By linking moral goodness with the performance of right actions, the early Fuchs unwittingly made it more difficult for some people to become morally good, and thus to accept God’s gift of salvation. The later Fuchs overcame many of these

Augustine’s De Trinitate and Lonergan’s Realms of Meaning

[After reviewing various proposals concerning the structure of Augustine’s De Trinitate, the author presents a structural analysis of that work using the notion of “realms of meaning” found in Bernard Lonergan’s Method in Theology. It suggests that Augustine’s treatise comprises four distinct sections which present an account of the Trinity from the perspective of a

Guadalupe at Calvary: Patristic Theology in Miguel S√°nchez’s Imagen de la Virgen Mar√≠a (1648)

[Readers of Miguel Sanchez’s Imagen de la Virgen María, which contained the first published account of Our Lady of Guadalupe’s acclaimed apparitions to the indigenous neophyte Juan Diego, rarely recognize that he was trained in the theology of the Church Fathers, particularly in the writings of St. Augustine. Here the author illuminates the influence of

The Convergence of Forgiveness and Justice: Lessons from El Salvador

[Forgiveness and justice need not be understood as diametrically opposite moral responses to human evil. The murder of the Jesuits in El Salvador indicates ways in which truth-telling contributes to justice, and both of these to forgiveness and reconciliation. If the Church is to play a leadership role in reconciliation, it must encourage truth-telling and

Reviews & Shorter Notices -December 2003

The Temple of Jesus’Body: The Temple Theme in the Gospel of John Dennis Hamm S.J., pp.836–837 Gospel Women: Studies of the Named Women in the Gospels Karen A. Barta, pp.837–838 The Irony of Galatians: Paul’s Letter in First-Century Context Thomas H. Tobin S.J., pp.839–840 Where is Boasting?: Early Jewish Soteriology and Paul’s Response in Romans

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