Volume 72 Number 3

“Aiming Excessively High and Far”: The Early Lonergan and the Challenge of Theory in Catholic Social Thought

Bernard Lonergan is not usually associated with the field of Catholic social thought. This article explores Lonergan’s efforts to contribute to it in his manuscripts on history and economics from the 1930s and early 1940s, written in response to Quadragesimo anno’s call for a reconstruction of the social and economic orders. The article describes Lonergan’s

Can Christians Possess the Acquired Cardinal Virtues?

The article proposes, contrary to much of contemporary Thomistic scholarship, that according to Thomas Aquinas’s categorizations of virtue, the person in a state of grace cannot possess the acquired cardinal virtues. Arguing from Aquinas’s theory of virtue as to why this is the case, the article examines texts that are commonly interpreted to say otherwise,

The Difference Nothing Makes: Creatio Ex Nihilo, Resurrection, and Divine Gratuity

In response to recent charges that creatio ex nihilo imposes a dubious metaphysics upon biblical theologies of creation, with the result that divine power is valorized at the expense of a creation in process, the author argues that such criticisms misrepresent the doctrine’s logic that illuminates those biblical theologies while making explicit in philosophical terms

Paul’s Use of dikaio Terminology: Moving Beyond N. T. Wright’s Forensic Interpretation

The article argues that Paul’s use of dikaio- terminology, the language of “justification,” has been too narrowly construed by N. T. Wright in his latest monograph on the subject. Wright’s position, that Paul employs the language of justification to signify a divinely bestowed change in status, tells only part of the story. This language also

Ecclesial Impasse: What Can we Learn from Our Laments?

Occasioned by current challenges facing the Catholic Church, the article explores the role of lamentations and impasse in the life of the church. By drawing on resources in the Scriptures, Augustine’s Expositions on the Psalms, and classic texts in spirituality, the author advances the claim that ways must be developed in ecclesiology and pastoral practice

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