A journal of academic theology

Research Article

Toward a Theology of Divine Action: William R. Stoeger, S.J., on the Laws of Nature

In the 1990s William Stoeger, S.J., contributed major essays on the laws of nature to the series of conferences on divine action that were cosponsored by the Vatican Observatory and the Center for Theology and the Natural Sciences at the Graduate Theological Union Berkeley, CA. He argued that the laws of nature are to be

Ecumenical Pilgrimage toward World Christianity

Although the modern ecumenical movement has existed for more than a century, the Roman Catholic Church’s involvement began only some 50 years later. In fact, 2014 commemorates only the 50th anniversary of the promulgation of Unitas redintegratio, Vatican II’s Decree on Ecumenism. This article traces the ecumenical movement from its beginnings, focusing on the contributions

The Qur’an and the Doctrine of Private Revelation: A Theological Proposal

The article argues that the Catholic category of “private revelation” in concert with the Church’s ecclesial documents, theological reflections, and spiritual practices allows the Qur’an in principle to be considered revelatory. After reviewing recent dogmatic developments on revelation and religious pluralism, the article discusses the theology that undergirds the Catholic understanding of private revelation and

The Roman Curia at and after Vatican II: Legal-Rational or Theological Reform?

Surely technical issues advance the need to rethink the structures of the Catholic Church’s central government in Rome. But the real macro issue is the role of Vatican II and its ecclesiology for the reform of church structures. Francis’s pontificate seems to be, on many levels, a return to the intent of Vatican II. The

Piketty and the Pope: A Dialogue Begun

In CAPITAL in the Twenty-First Century, French economist Thomas Piketty analyzes wealth accumulation and inequality under advanced capitalism. Moralists and students of papal thought will need to come to grips with its argument, particularly since Pope Francis’s Evangelii gaudium is said to have posed radical criticisms of economic inequality. This article puts Piketty into dialogue

A New Project in Systematic Theology

The article explores the possibility of a new collaborative venture in systematic theology based in the work of Bernard Lonergan and Robert Doran. A prospectus is offered of five volumes intended as texts to be used at the level of MA and MDiv students.

Paul Would Be Proud: The New Testament and Jewish–Gentile Respect

The article analyzes Jewish–Catholic relations with respect to New Testament interpretation, the apostle Paul, and theology. In the New Testament era, Paul promoted God’s openness to Gentiles. In recent decades, increasing numbers of Jewish scholars have engaged the New Testament and specifically Paul’s letters. This has called forth, for the most part, Christian hospitality toward

The Word in Which All Things Are Spoken: Augustine, Anselm, and Bonaventure on Christology and the Metaphysics of Exemplarity

The article reconsiders Anselm’s “ontological argument” by contextualizing it within the conjunction of Neoplatonist exemplarist metaphysics and Christology in the Augustinian tradition of trinitarian theology. It explores tensions in Augustine’s theological epistemology and incarnational theology over the relationship of illumination and grace in the knowledge of God. Anselm wrestles with this tension in Monologion and

A Church That Can and Cannot Change: The Dynamics of Tradition

After reviewing some previous contributions to the discussion of continuity and change in the Christian tradition, the article suggests another way of thinking about the problem by using Pierre Bourdieu’s analytic notion of habitus.

Tactical Ecumenism

The article examines the relationship between ecumenical dialogues and embodied ecumenical practices. By utilizing Michel de Certeau’s theory of strategy and tactics, the authors construct a hermeneutic that aims at forming ecumenists and clarifying the object of their discourse. Specifically, unauthorized practices of collaboration between denominations (i.e., ecumenical tactics) are seen as a formative source

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