A journal of academic theology

Research Article

Like a Boat is Marriage: Aelred on Marriage as a Christian Way of Life

This study of Aelred of Rievaulx’s understanding of marriage as a Christian state of life first considers his work in the context of earlier written souces and the debates about marriage in the twelfth-century schools; it then exposes Aelred’s thinking on the sacramentality of marriage, the position of woman in the marriage relationship, and the

Imagination Virtue and Human Rights: Lessons from Australian and U.S. Law

The article attempts to bridge the gap between virtue theory and rights theory by asking what virtues are needed to recognize and protect human rights in concrete circumstances. Drawing on legal cases from Australia and the United States as examples, the author argues that three types of imagination are necessary: ontic, empathetic, and strategic.

Fundamental Moral Theology: Tradition

Theological ethicists around the world are turning toward history to comment on the method and arguments of earlier authoritative voices. The intent of this turn to the tradition is precisely to liberate theologians so as to find grounds for Roman Catholics to enter into greater dialogue with others around the world. To examine this development,

Social and Economic Ethics

The Note surveys scholarship in social and economic ethics between 2004 and 2008, focusing on economic ethics and the financial crisis of 2008. The author analyzes the crisis through a Catholic economic-ethical lens that highlights principles of intelligibility, accountability, incarnation, solidarity, and preferential option for the most vulnerable; she also suggests trajectories for prescriptive responses

Time Judgment and Competitive Spirituality: A Reading of the Development of the Doctrine of Purgatory

Why has purgatory virtually disappeared from Catholic belief and practice since Vatican II? A competitive spirituality, gravitating around the religious vocation of ascetics from the late Middle Ages, enabled the doctrine by extending the temporal horizon within which God’s favorable judgment could be secured, first, in the lifelong practice of ascetics in their spiritual competition

Doubt and the Resurrection of Jesus

Debate on the resurrection of Jesus tends to focus either on the likelihood of Jesus’ body rising physically from the tomb or on the form in which it appears to the witnesses. The first part of this article provides a snapshot of recent literature on Jesus’ resurrection. The second part argues that there is no

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