A journal of academic theology

Research Article

Homo Theologicus: Toward a Reflexive Theology (With the Help of Pierre Bourdieu)

The current conflictual situation of theology can be understood from a sociological perspective using the work of Pierre Bourdieu on the relationships of power in a given field. The article intends to help theologians be more reflexive about their task of interpreting the Christian symbol system.

As Long as We Wonder: Possibilities in the Impossibility of Interreligious Dialogue

The application of George Lindbeck’s cultural-linguistic approach to interreligious dialogue calls into question our ability to communicate across the divide of different religious traditions. Examining his postliberal theology and accepting Lindbeck’s caution about the difficulty of understanding a tradition other than one’s own, the aims of interreligious encounter need to be revised. This article draws

From Statements to Parables: Rethinking Pluralist Identities

The author observes that, while pluralist theologians and philosophers of religion have made claims asserting an identical, transcendent reality referred to by world religions, they have not noticed the fundamental problem facing such claims. Necessarily, abstract terms such as “reality” and “thing,” of which the claims have need, lack criteria of sameness; and a term

The Johannine Logic of Augustine’s Trinity: A Dogmatic Sketch

This article follows recent scholarship in identifying a robustly pro-Nicene trinitarianism in Augustine’s De Trinitate. In particular, a “Johannine logic” is identified and traced as an exegetical basis for his dogmatic articulation of the doctrine of God. This logic unfolds in the Pater–Filius relationship of the Son’s begetting, incarnation, and christological forms as “servant” and

From Oxford to Rome: Newman’s Ecclesial Conversion

Amidst multiple conflicting interpretations of Newman’s 1845 conversion, this article offers a new, synthetic interpretation by distinguishing and integrating negative deconversion and positive conversion moments within a six-year, three-phase process: reflection and theological judgment, discernment and judgment of conscience, and deliberation and decision.

Yves de Montcheuil: Action Justice and the Kingdom in Spiritual Resistance to Nazism

The few extant studies of Jesuit martyr and theologian Yves de Montcheuil focus on his life and theology. This article combines these considerations with philosophical and political ones by examining how Montcheuil’s spiritual resistance to Nazism emerges from his study of action and justice in the thought of Nicolas Malebranche and Maurice Blondel. Montcheuil’s oeuvre

Jr. On the (Economic) Trinity: An Argument in Conversation with Robert Doran

Following Bernard Lonergan’s lead, a systematic-theological account of the human world in relation to God will have a trinitarian “shape,” inasmuch as finite, contingent realities participate in the divine relations that constitute the three who are God. While Robert Doran has proposed an excellent beginning of such an account, the author argues that this proposal

Two Points or Four?–Rahner and Lonergan on Trinity Incarnation Grace and Beatific Vision

In response to a recent article by Robert Doran, this article compares and contrasts the systematic coherence of Karl Rahner and Bernard Lonergan—how they interrelate the divine mysteries of the Trinity, incarnation, grace, and beatific vision. It argues that on all grounds Lonergan’s position provides a more satisfying response to relating these mysteries to one

Addressing the Four-Point Hypothesis

The author accepts two of Charles Hefling’s corrections, but the second in a qualified fashion: Lonergan’s appeal to love as a starting point for the psychological analogy is open to an analogy based in religious love. Christiaan Jacobs-Vandegeer’s article in the March 2007 issue of this journal highlights the distinction of sanctifying grace and charity.

Oppositional Pairs and Christological Synthesis:Rereading Augustine’s De Trinitate

The author aligns the modern structuralist emphasis on the meaning-generating capacity of “oppositional pairs” with Augustine’s penchant for the ancient rhetorical trope of “antithesis.” The resultant rereading of De Trinitate uncovers Augustine’s rhetorical construction of a christocentric theological epistemology that undergirds the work’s structure, polemical agenda, and the classic theologoumenon of the trinitarian image in

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