Reviews & Shorter Notices – May 1998

Jesus and the Victory of God
Schuyler Brown pp. 322–323

Families in the New Testament World: Households and House Churches
Antoinette Clark Wire pp. 323–324

Text and Truth: Redefining Biblical Theology
Walter Brueggemann pp. 324–326

Methodius of Olympus: Diving Sovereignty, Human Freedom, and Life in Christ
Pamela Bright pp. 326–328

Augustins Schrift “De utilitate credendi”: Eine Analyse
Kenneth B. Steinhauser pp. 328–330

History of Theology 1: The Patristic Period
J. Patout Burns , pp. 330–331

Thomas Aquinas, Theologian
Gerald A. McCool S.J. ,pp. 332–333

Free Creatures of an Eternal God: Thomas Aquinas on God’s Foreknowledge and Irresistible Will
Gregory P. Rocca O.P. , pp. 333–335

The Evangelical Rhetoric of Ramon Llull: Lay Learning and Piety in the Christian West around 1300
Fernando Domínguez , pp. 335–336

The Biblical Kierkegaard: Reading by the Rule of Faith
Abrahim H. Khan pp. 337–338

American Indian Catholics 1: On the Padres’ Trail
Carl F. Starkloff S.J. , pp. 338–339

Revive Us Again: The Reawakening of American Fundamentalism
Gabriel Fackre pp. 339–341

The Hidden Encyclical of Pius XI
James Hennesey S.J. pp. 341–342

The Mystery of God: Karl Barth and the Postmodern Foundations of Theology
Paul D. Molnar pp. 343–344

A Most Unlikely God: A Philosophical Enquiry into the Nature of God
Joseph W. Koterski S.J. pp. 345–346

Imaging the Divine: Jesus and Christ-Figures in Film
Paul A. Soukup S.J. pp. 346–347

Toward a Christian Theology of Religious Pluralism
Roger Haight S.J. pp. 347–349

On Deconstructing Life-Worlds: Buddhism, Christianity, Culture
Charles B. Jones pp. 349–351

The End of Time: Religion, Ritual, and the Forging of the Soul
Curt Cadorette pp. 351–352

Worship with One Accord: Where Liturgy and Ecumenism Embrace
Kevin W. Irwin pp. 352–354

Justice in the Church: Gender and Participation
Mary E. Hines pp. 354–355

The Invention of Sodomy in Christian Theology
James F. Keenan S.J. pp. 355–357

God’s Just Vengeance: Crime, Violence, and the Rhetoric of Salvation
James J. Megivern pp. 357–359

The Origins of Moral Theology in the United States: Three Different Approaches
Richard M. Gula S.S. pp. 359–361

Moral Politics: What Conservatives Know That Liberals Don’t
Thomas J. Massaro S.J. pp. 361–362

Shorter Notices
pp. 362–376

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